The car came with 'orange' motorcraft coolant, which, I've read today but cannot yet verify was a made-under-license formulation of dexcool. What i do know is orange is discontinued now. They also made 'gold', 'green', 'dark green', and 'yellow' formulations, most of which are incompatable with each other and bad things can happen when mixing the wrong ones or aftermarket types together.
Reportably the 'yellow' is the designated replacement for 'orange', but I've read conflicting info on if you can mix 'yellow' directly with remaining 'orange' or if you are supposed to do a complete flush/drain first before the switch.
The orange is/was identical to dexcool. The new yellow (not to be confused with the older gold) is a better coolant as far as corrosion and freeze protection. It is backwards compatible to the orange. You can mix them no issue. I switched my F150 over to it a few months ago.
I agree coolants are getting way too confusing. Seems like every manufacturer has their own coolant with their own color code.