What makes YOU mad as hell when driving?

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I didn't say all were. I love driving my son-in-law's 323i. It does everything effortlessly. But let me quote the owner of Bayside BMW who, when asked by the service manager why he shtupped the customers so much, replied-"They are BMW owners- they DESEREVE to get shtupped!".
well to be fair, that is from someone working at a stealership, but lets not get started on getting screwed there...
1) Cops

2) Fake cops - have you seen these?

the people who mount the spotlight on their 00's impala from the police auction and rock the FOP sticker because it looks like a police badge, and have steel wheels. Or the person who tailgates you on a roadtrip and runs your heart down a couple hundred beats because theyre behind you for miles in a crown victoria. Lame ^

3) stock mustangs trying to race. I'll take a stock mustang on in anything. I've beat the stock mustang in a 4.3 Blazer (w/ computer defeated) my Grand Cherokee outlander, My silverado, My 95 STS, my 328i (barely won), a 96 jaguar w/ 4.6L v8 from a crown vic, a Fleetwood, a Monte Carlo! The stock mustang isnt fast! I have repeatedly proven it time and time again beating the dead horse mercilessly - pun completely intended

4) People who use the inside lane to pass everyone at 80 mph

5) When truckers try to kill me by using their trailer as a weapon and I know if I did crash/burn they would continue as if nothing happened (rare - about 7x ever)
Bonnewagon said:
And let's not forget the tools that roar up behind you, tailgating, flashing the high beams, usually in a mega-buck Teutonic status symbol, like they have to be in Istanbul before dark and YOU are costing them time and time is money baby. I was following an unmarked HIGHWAY PATROL car doing about 20 over the limit in the fast lane and this slimy little weasel in a BMW runs up my *ss flashing the high beams. I move over, he blows past, and tailgates the cop, flashing the high beams. Cop moves over, weasel passes the cop, cop hits the lights and yanks his *ss right over. PRICELESS!
Hes got daddy to bail him out...or he knows somebody that knows somebody else....people with money dont care cause they can buy their way outta every problem...

people that speed up when you pass them...then they pass you and slow down...AARRRGG!
people that drive in the passing lane and go 3 miles over the speedlimit...usually talking on the phone.
People (usually the elderly) that STOP on entrance ramps.... :blam:
RICE BIKERS that think that because they can go 150 on the interstate, that alone will somehow protect them from my 3500lb car...
Truckers...who see me coming down the road...no cars behind me.....and they still pull out ...just cause they know Im gonna have to stop or get decapitated...one day Im gonna start shooting some tires with my pistol...they wanna endanger my life...they can pay for it... truck tires aint cheap!
people who tailgate you when theres 20 cars in line....like I somehow possess the power to make the idiot in front of me go faster because Johnny GT in his pos ford wants to go 80 instead of 75....im only gettin started...lol.
rustyroger said:
...... it always struck me as odd that in America you can choose a lane and stay in it.....
Well...down here in the south...we used to have signs on the highway stating "SLOWER TRAFFIC, KEEP RIGHT" ... some how they disolved in all that acid rain coming over the pond from china... :roll:
Bonnewagon said:
Thank's Oldsmoletick, I should have clarified. Peter, being in NYC, there is ALWAYS several cars at a 4-way stop. So we stop and proceed counter clockwise. Except for the dork who races up to the stop sign, barely slows down, and blasts right through! And I hate passengers that insist I blow my horn at every female they see. My ex-buddy used to reach over and try to hit my horn while watching the girl, yanking my steering wheel like a yutz. The last time he tried it I karate chopped his wrist and he howled like a banshee. He doesn't do that anymore.......
I always use the three car count....u pull up to a 4way...3 cars go...then its your turn...simple...unfortunately, math is not a popular subject anymore...lol
motorcycles also piss me off and it doesnt matter the type either, street bikes harleys, rice rockets whatever. they for some reason think they get invisible lanes to do whatever they want and if somehow their pack gets split up they can do whatever they want form a new pack. I hate all the signs like check twice for motorcycles and sh*t like that because most of them are the ones breaking every rule of the damn road.

Also nobody understands that passing on the right is actually illegal. so many times somebody decided to let me out of road in a situation when we are both turning left, so i go and then some idiot thinks he can pass that guy whos letting me go on the right and he almost slams into me. regardless he would be at fault but i dont need to see my car wrecked.
I have been seriously debating not using my horn the next time some moron starts drifting into my lane without looking to make sure im not their. my truck is kinda beat right now and if they hit me i can get some new paint thrown on it.
Blinking red light. Do you: A-just wait there until someone comes to fix it? B-turn around and find another way? C-Try to jump across between blinks? or D- Treat it as a stop sign!!! Yes, that's right ladies, a blinking red light is treated as a 4 way stop sign. Who knew?
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