86_olds said:
really is their will any 4 barrel edelbrock carb bolt up to the intake ?
No any Edelbrock carb will not bolt right up to the intake.
Edelbrock Remanufactured Q-Jet Carburetors will bolt right up.
But the Edelbrock carb you see (AFB style) in stores or commercials will not.
You will need an adapter plate to turn your spread bore intake into a square bore.
The Electric plug control the main metering circuit and is controled by the computer that sends out signals based on input from the oxygen sensor.
If you disconnect it you will run rich.
Keep in mind there are different versions of the Electric Q-jet depending on the car and where it was built.
Some do effect the trans lock up and some do not.
If you put a non electric/computer controled carb on the car you should also put a non computer controled distributor in as well.
A distributor with a vaccum advance. As well as a lock up kit for your trans.
Your best bet is, if it is running fine leave it alone. If you are having problems with it have if rebuilt.
If you want something fancy then a high performance Q-jet will cost you 400-500 dollars