Working on the wagon..

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Comic Book Super Hero
Looking good Jack! I finally got my kitchen done. Got out in the garage over the weekend and started to clean things up so i can get on the Buick. Keep the pics and progress coming!


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Thanks Jim!
Glad to hear that your kitchen project is done. Mine could stand to be redone.. :? Also glad to hear that you'll now have more time to devote to your wagon project. You were on a roll there for a while until other commitments and priorities took hold.
I'm anxious to see what the Olds header panel (and fenders) will look like with your custom airdam.

Any word about a frame?


Comic Book Super Hero
Jack, no word on the frame yet. I won't have time to a road trip to MD for another 2 weeks, so I figured I would give him some time. As far as the air damn with the olds header, It would require redoing, of course. But, the plan is to push the bumper our, and suck the spoiler/air damn in. This way the nose isn't so flat. I think it would look better.

I still have about 2 months I have to devote to home projects. My stairs, railings and refinish the treads, and yard/property cleanup. But I will be adding some real updates to my thread soon.


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Well I finally got some color on it. Hopefully, I can get my garage back to normal again.. :?
It was alot of work, hopefully it will be worth it. :wink:



Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. :D
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