Worst modification you can make to a gbody

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I don't like anything with so many mods it looks like someone bought one of each to stick on his car....
ERIC87442 said:
Bonnewagon said:
My personal gripe is guys who "yank all that e-mission crap" off the car then wonder why it runs like poop. If you don't have a resume that includes decades of working on non-emissions cars, then just leave it alone. Or at least edumacate yourself about how old cars worked so you actually know what you are getting into. Cleaning up the engine compartment is no excuse to yank everything and then post endless questions as to why the car sucks now.
VERY well said. Im going to have to say thats the #1 worst modification. everything put on that car was put there for a reason

im gonna have to stop you right there.... yeah obviously dont **** with sh*t if you dont know what your doing... and even then theres only one way to learn hahaha but when they put sh*t on a car because the mom van next to you cried star spangled banner to the baby **** head seals when black smoke came out of your exhaust a the c*ck filled mouths of the government saw a perfect opportunity to regulate the foreseeable top profitable money scheme they jumped all over that sh*t and ****ed us all in the *ss so by all means people who dont know what the **** your doing rip that sh*t off and you know the deal... preset values means you pretty much only run well at wide open so next time you see that mini van with its windows down packed full of dumb **** followers and their leader Mrs. Soccer Mom Elite suck up blondie c*ck sucker, by all means wide open throttle by that b*tch and send her van off the road

gk666 i dont see a need to say all them profanities
gk666 said:
ERIC87442 said:
Bonnewagon said:
My personal gripe is guys who "yank all that e-mission crap" off the car then wonder why it runs like poop. If you don't have a resume that includes decades of working on non-emissions cars, then just leave it alone. Or at least edumacate yourself about how old cars worked so you actually know what you are getting into. Cleaning up the engine compartment is no excuse to yank everything and then post endless questions as to why the car sucks now.
VERY well said. Im going to have to say thats the #1 worst modification. everything put on that car was put there for a reason

im gonna have to stop you right there.... yeah obviously dont **** with sh*t if you dont know what your doing... and even then theres only one way to learn hahaha but when they put sh*t on a car because the mom van next to you cried star spangled banner to the baby **** head seals when black smoke came out of your exhaust a the c*ck filled mouths of the government saw a perfect opportunity to regulate the foreseeable top profitable money scheme they jumped all over that sh*t and ****ed us all in the *ss so by all means people who dont know what the **** your doing rip that sh*t off and you know the deal... preset values means you pretty much only run well at wide open so next time you see that mini van with its windows down packed full of dumb **** followers and their leader Mrs. Soccer Mom Elite suck up blondie c*ck sucker, by all means wide open throttle by that b*tch and send her van off the road


Ah....reminds me of the "rape train" thread :rofl: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=28720&p=227091#p227091
gk666 said:
ERIC87442 said:
Bonnewagon said:
My personal gripe is guys who "yank all that e-mission crap" off the car then wonder why it runs like poop. If you don't have a resume that includes decades of working on non-emissions cars, then just leave it alone. Or at least edumacate yourself about how old cars worked so you actually know what you are getting into. Cleaning up the engine compartment is no excuse to yank everything and then post endless questions as to why the car sucks now.
VERY well said. Im going to have to say thats the #1 worst modification. everything put on that car was put there for a reason

im gonna have to stop you right there.... yeah obviously dont **** with sh*t if you dont know what your doing... and even then theres only one way to learn hahaha but when they put sh*t on a car because the mom van next to you cried star spangled banner to the baby **** head seals when black smoke came out of your exhaust a the c*ck filled mouths of the government saw a perfect opportunity to regulate the foreseeable top profitable money scheme they jumped all over that sh*t and ****ed us all in the *ss so by all means people who dont know what the **** your doing rip that sh*t off and you know the deal... preset values means you pretty much only run well at wide open so next time you see that mini van with its windows down packed full of dumb **** followers and their leader Mrs. Soccer Mom Elite suck up blondie c*ck sucker, by all means wide open throttle by that b*tch and send her van off the road

:wtf: :rofl:
Wowsers. Translation: it was forced upon us by paid-off government lackeys so feel free to rip it all off and it it runs badly, just floor it? Well, I like clean air and water so unfortunatly the 70's-80's was a learning period for the car manufacturers. The razor sharp performance and fuel mileage we take for granted now is a result of those early emissions controls. Like I said, if you know your sh*t, have at it. But for a noob to just yank it all then b*tch, that's just stupid.
Bonnewagon said:
Wowsers. Translation: it was forced upon us by paid-off government lackeys so feel free to rip it all off and it it runs badly, just floor it? Well, I like clean air and water so unfortunatly the 70's-80's was a learning period for the car manufacturers. The razor sharp performance and fuel mileage we take for granted now is a result of those early emissions controls. Like I said, if you know your sh*t, have at it. But for a noob to just yank it all then b*tch, that's just stupid.
it depends what you take off. for example the vapor canister doesent do anything but get you more mpg's and doesent effect hp but a smog pump takes away hp and only cleans the air.
How does a vapor can affect mpg? It stores gas fumes so they don't leak into the atmosphere, then burns them, wasting nothing. If anything, it saves fuel from evaporating away. And a smog pump is geared down to turn fairly slowly, requiring little hp to operate. It injects fresh air into the exhaust so the catalyst can burn off the worst pollutants, like sulpher, that combines with carbon monoxide to create sulpher dioxide, that causes acid rain, which corrodes buildings, ruins car finishes, and poisons lakes. As posted before, all those things were put there for a reason. You don't even notice them on modern cars, because they have been refined and integrated so seemlessly.
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