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  1. S

    new gody member

    Don't "B" hatin!! :blam:
  2. S

    new gody member

    That's quite a buildup you got there. Need someone to test drive it? :rofl:
  3. S

    new gody member

    Yeah man, you can edit your profile and put it in your signature line. Car looks great. Welcome to gbody.
  4. S

    Have a "SAFE" Labor Day weekend

    Guys be safe this weekend. a lot of official "end of summer" bashes this weekend. Keep yourself and those G Bodies safe!! :D
  5. S

    my G-body diecast collection

    You know you have to give that GN diecast to you're dad now.
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    TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

    cdg; Pat was only quoted in referance to the way bigwakawaka should be dealt with. Do you just ignore him and let his post sink to the bottom (doesn't work, he self bumps), you give him your .02 he just comes back with a ruder comment, is he banworthy due to his content? Not for me to decide. I...
  7. S

    TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

    So here's a good example of what I'm talking about. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=21523 Again, let me state I know this is not the norm around here, I just don't get the mentality by this member!
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    Confirmed: Bleach in my gas tank

    Tell us how you really feel... :rofl:
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    Confirmed: Bleach in my gas tank

    Man that's an aggrevating story to read. Sorry to hear of your misfortune. The sleepless nights trying to figure this problem out would have been enough to put me over the edge w/ the douchebag who did this. As stated already, you're a better man than most. I think the evil inside of me would...
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    time to piece her back together

    Re: got ****ed by a deer today Were you flipping the deer off in this pic? Can't see that middle finger to clearly? Sorry to hear, best of luck with the repairs.
  11. S

    anyone heard of a grand national "GNX-RAY?

    SEX ON WHEELS!! Sorry,only way to describe that b*tch!
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    finally a good shot of my malibu

    Uhuh. Think I got it figured out now. The "it" you referred to is "razberry" as opposed to "raspberry". Got it now, a little slow right now. Ragweed allergies are kicking my *ss the past couple days. Reguardless she's real "purdy". Yeah I spelled it goofy. :rofl:
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    Black Trim

    The link I posted at the bottom of my first post (that I didn't add in when I edited it for feeling like a tard)! :rofl:
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    Black Trim

    Check out this MrHernandez. This was posted in the f/s section recently. I contacted him about the black trim specifically and he gave me full detail on how he did it. Real nice guy. Let me know if this is what you're looking for and I can forward you the email. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=21467
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    finally a good shot of my malibu

    Good looking car. Nice color!
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    TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

    Apology accepted! Glad we could clear this up. I was surprised to see a response like this from a senior member like yourself. I should have made myself clear that this was not the common I see around here, just the few that screw it up for others. Mostly noobies, but not always. Overall I do...
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    TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

    I do apologize if I came across as accusing everyone on "this board" as having no tact. It was in no way meant to come across as that. I've met quite a few helpful, respectable members in the short time I've been here. My bad for not clarifying that the ignorant ones are the minority!! I do...
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    TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

    Hey all, I've only been around here a few months so I still consider myself a newbie, however I would like to bring up a topic that erks me about certain people on this site. Why do people feel when they post something whether it be for sale or a question, that everyonelse around here is...
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    Best Rust treatment?

    x5 for POR 15. My o5 Dodge w/ a Cummins developed cancer on the oil pan after 4 HARD years of snow plowing in the Northeast w/ a sh*t ton of salt on the roads. When we were cleaning the rust spots for the por treatment we popped a pinhole in the man, and I was not read to take that monster...

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