TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

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Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
oh shut up!
you're generalizing about him generalizing!
it's not just 2 people, i've seen it happen quite a bit here and other sites.


Aug 22, 2010
Is there a written rule where after X amount of hours, you can bump your for sale thread?


Jun 24, 2010
North Shore, Massachusetts
454muscle said:
Pointless post. You're generalizing, you're accusing "this board" (meaning everyone here) as having no tact just because one or two n00bs posted something dumb in haste -- and now all of a sudden, people on this forum are getting a lesson in tact, from you, a n00b. :roll: Well anyways, enjoy whatever it is you're smoking.

I do apologize if I came across as accusing everyone on "this board" as having no tact. It was in no way meant to come across as that. I've met quite a few helpful, respectable members in the short time I've been here. My bad for not clarifying that the ignorant ones are the minority!! I do enjoy smoking my Marlboro's so thanks for that. For someone to take offense to this, the way you have was not my intent here. Although I am a newbie around here, I'm not new to automotive forums in general. I joined here because I love g bodies and never knew the site existed until I got back into them 20 years after I initially did. Ignorant people who offend forum members with there "thug mentality attitude" because someone doesn't buy there vehicle or respond to there post within the hour is BS. Why would anyone want to deal w/ another member like that? Anyways, maybe I wasn't the right guy to say it because I'm just a "n00b", which in your eyes and I'm sure others means my opinion is worth sh*t. Reguardless it needed to be said. So keep your blinders on bro, everyone's a saint around here in your eyes.
To the admins, I apologize if my "pointless post" used up unwarranted bandwidth. Just a bit annoyed.


Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO
IGSM said:
Is there a written rule where after X amount of hours, you can bump your for sale thread?

Written? No.

But if you're bumping your own posts after mere hours....

ur doing it wrong. Seriously. Give it days. This isn't craigslist or facebook. Takes a while for people to even see the thing, let alone think about maybe buying it. Pointless frequent TTT/bumping == SPAM in my book.

And it is that time of year again ;) Although its not nearly as bad as it used to be.


Royal Smart Person
Jan 31, 2010
Ontario, Canada eh!
megaladon6 said:
oh shut up!
I stand corrected. Even non-n00bs need a lesson in tact.
megaladon6 said:
you're generalizing about him generalizing!
That's just a generalization.
megaladon6 said:
it's not just 2 people, i've seen it happen quite a bit here and other sites.
So let's rant about it on *this* forum. Ok then. :roll:

Scott183 didn't mean to offend you (no I wasn't offended either). Sorry if I did. :|

I never said everyone here is a saint. The majority of people on this forum are different than other forums. Ask them, they'll tell you. I've seen a lot of respect here, more than other similar automotive forums. I've heard it from other members here repeatedly. This place -- there's a lot more respect between members, new and seniors, young and old alike. I like that. Yes, there's the occasional n00b who shoots his mouth off and trolls until he gets banned. Can't avoid that, it's inevitable. But overall, this place is great, and people respect what others are doing more than any other forum. So when you issue a rant like yours, it just seemed out of place. Dunno how else to put it. But I get your point.

Now, if anyone wants to know what rules *are* written, it's right here in this post in the New Users forum:
How To Be A Successful Poster on GBF.

Should answer most questions.


Jun 24, 2010
North Shore, Massachusetts
454muscle said:
Scott183 didn't mean to offend you (no I wasn't offended either). Sorry if I did. :|

I never said everyone here is a saint. The majority of people on this forum are different than other forums. Ask them, they'll tell you. I've seen a lot of respect here, more than other similar automotive forums. I've heard it from other members here repeatedly. This place -- there's a lot more respect between members, new and seniors, young and old alike. I like that. Yes, there's the occasional n00b who shoots his mouth off and trolls until he gets banned. Can't avoid that, it's inevitable. But overall, this place is great, and people respect what others are doing more than any other forum. So when you issue a rant like yours, it just seemed out of place. Dunno how else to put it. But I get your point.

Now, if anyone wants to know what rules *are* written, it's right here in this post in the New Users forum:
How To Be A Successful Poster on GBF.

Should answer most questions.

Apology accepted! Glad we could clear this up. I was surprised to see a response like this from a senior member like yourself. I should have made myself clear that this was not the common I see around here, just the few that screw it up for others. Mostly noobies, but not always. Overall I do see a ton more of mutual respect between members here than other sites I'm on. A love for classic auto usually brings out a different breed than a rice rocket forum. It just seems like daily I read some post by some moreon bitching people out for not paying them there asking price for there car or part. Again like I stated earlier, I was ranting, probably should have kept it in my head. I know there are others who hate coming across these kinds of posts when they're reading the forms. BTW the "how to be a succesful poster topic" was the first thing I read when I got here before I posted myself.


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
megaladon6 said:
oh shut up!
you're generalizing about him generalizing!
it's not just 2 people, i've seen it happen quite a bit here and other sites.

now your generalizing about other sites...it must be cuntagious,.... :lol:


Royal Smart Person
X5 (if someone already didn't beat me to it, didn't check page 2)

Looks like this is turning into a heated discussion though, he's just making a good solid point.

My 2 cents.


Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
It's not just n00bs but for the most part the OP is right. You will get the occassional n00b who doesn't understand the respect and manners that most of us have for each other on this site. So either a.) most of us ignore them b.) the mods will take care of them c.) all of us will just jump in and give the guy our 2 cents until he just leaves the site. I would like to say most of us just ignore the stupidity and get on with our lives. There are times where some of us will bash heads over differing opinions, but at the end of the day were all here for the same reasons and respect each others contributions to the hobby. 8)
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