TACT on this site. LEARN IT!

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Jun 24, 2010
North Shore, Massachusetts
patmckinneyracing said:
It's not just n00bs but for the most part the OP is right. You will get the occassional n00b who doesn't understand the respect and manners that most of us have for each other on this site. So either a.) most of us ignore them b.) the mods will take care of them c.) all of us will just jump in and give the guy our 2 cents until he just leaves the site. I would like to say most of us just ignore the stupidity and get on with our lives. There are times where some of us will bash heads over differing opinions, but at the end of the day were all here for the same reasons and respect each others contributions to the hobby. 8)

So here's a good example of what I'm talking about.
Again, let me state I know this is not the norm around here, I just don't get the mentality by this member!


G-Body Guru
Oct 18, 2009
Evansville IN
Scott183 said:
patmckinneyracing said:
It's not just n00bs but for the most part the OP is right. You will get the occassional n00b who doesn't understand the respect and manners that most of us have for each other on this site. So either a.) most of us ignore them b.) the mods will take care of them c.) all of us will just jump in and give the guy our 2 cents until he just leaves the site. I would like to say most of us just ignore the stupidity and get on with our lives. There are times where some of us will bash heads over differing opinions, but at the end of the day were all here for the same reasons and respect each others contributions to the hobby. 8)

So here's a good example of what I'm talking about.
Again, let me state I know this is not the norm around here, I just don't get the mentality by this member!

why did you quote pat?...?...?...i understand what your saying with bigwaukeewhatever, but what did what pat said have to do with that?


Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO
Bah, smells like September on teh intarwebs to me....

If you get that, then you've been around as long as me!! :mrgreen:


Jun 24, 2010
North Shore, Massachusetts
cdg; Pat was only quoted in referance to the way bigwakawaka should be dealt with. Do you just ignore him and let his post sink to the bottom (doesn't work, he self bumps), you give him your .02 he just comes back with a ruder comment, is he banworthy due to his content? Not for me to decide. I just gotta learn to look the other way. I hate when shitheads like this tarnish a really good site. The truth is he is a problem for the whole site, not me personally.


Royal Smart Person
Jun 24, 2008
It seems to be more common place where people seem to have a lack of social skills and respect for one another. I find that in America people are spoiled and lack maturity. Go anywhere outside the US and it SUCKS, bar none but everyone is classy and mature. I've traveled the world enought to know that we have it 100x better than anywhere else, even the nicest places in Europe. People don't realize how easy it is to find work (yes I said that Europe has an UE rate of 30% in most places), have a roof over your head and someone that cares for you yet it seems to be common place for people to whine. We cottle people too much and people get off way to easy, only cowards hide behind a keyboard and the people who flex their muscles on a keyboard have truely identified themselves as weak in character and don't benefit society one bit...
end rant

Waukeegan, IL is ghetto...


G-Body Guru
Oct 18, 2009
Evansville IN
Scott183 said:
cdg; Pat was only quoted in referance to the way bigwakawaka should be dealt with. Do you just ignore him and let his post sink to the bottom (doesn't work, he self bumps), you give him your .02 he just comes back with a ruder comment, is he banworthy due to his content? Not for me to decide. I just gotta learn to look the other way. I hate when shitheads like this tarnish a really good site. The truth is he is a problem for the whole site, not me personally.

Ahh, tis clear now.
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