Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??
So I got my Edelbrock 600cfm and Im all excited, found another craigslist HOOK UP, gave the guy my Rochester and $40.00 for this Rebuilt back to factory spec 600 cfm carb....SWEET!!!!!
I got everything I needed and going to be hooking it up tonight when I get home from work...I hope all goes well and I like the performance.
I just wasent feeling that Quadrajet N E more.. it was to like to rich, drowning, popping on take off, smelling to much like gas, etc....even after it had a complete rebuilt and jetted...So im feeling good about this 600 carb...
I will let u guy know what happens, what do you guys think?? Will i like the performance??
Big Saint