1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK???

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Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

hecx78malibu said:
I've seen a lot of ur videos and there all sick, I learned a lot from them, and them wells r looking sick... keep the vid's coming... and keep up the good work... :mrgreen:

Thanks fam!! I feel bad that I took alot of the old vids down. They are slowly comin back up along with new ones...

Saint..Lookin real good bruh. These will turn out ridiculously smooth. I can see the improvement from the new techniques Im using... Its taking so long cuz I like to make damn sure that primer is dry. sands smoother...

I didnt like the way the epoxy laid in one spot so I dug it out and scuffed the surface with some 60 grit. The epoxy was soft. I probably didnt mix enough hardener


Epoxy filled this hole and layed some filler on top..Not worried about it looking pretty cuz this part is up in the well area. just filled it so it wouldnt get worse...Once dry I will sand with 60 grit and work the area.



I sanded the filler out and had to re apply it. Im still earning how to "feather" the edges out. All a learning process...



Gettin there. The other well has been sanded up to 320 and looks great! Im gonna clean it and spray 2 more wet coats of filler primer and let it dry out in the sun. Then dry sand with 400 grit. Then comes some "Sandable Primer" and thats where the serious smoothing begins. 600 dry, 600 wet on up to 2000 soapy wet sand. Long process but it will help the paint lay like glass!

ElcOCD Warren :twisted:
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

Dayum idk how you can sand all that stuff daown...Im telling you when I did my half *ss job on my wheels wells, i was done with sanding, my finger tips were so sore for weeks.....u got that talent big dog!!! keep it up , looking good.. 😛
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

So time to upgrade my gauges, every time on rolling my gauges go nuts, they start turning in cirlces all fast!!! Lmao, and one needle goes one way and it gets me all dizzy..Espesically when i put my turn signal they all start to jump around all krazy..

So I got a AutoGauge 5" RPM Tach that my cousin had on his honda civic racer that he totaled on the 101freeway coming back from the hollywood clubs (idiot) and sold it to me for $40.00...so that turned out ok...Went to autozone and picked up oil/water/volts gauges that came connected together as a kit...
I figured that's all im going to need....my rpm tach/oil pressure/temp/and volts...I got my tach installed today in A.M before work and im all excited that i got everything working right...was pretty easy to do....I hate dealing with electrical stuff, that gets me all fustrated, just not for me, but hey better to save money and do it yourself..Saturday will get the other gauges in at take pics.

Big Saint (electric man) HAHAHAHAHA
80zbabiez CC
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

So time to upgrade my gauges, every time on rolling my gauges go nuts, they start turning in cirlces all fast!!! Lmao, and one needle goes one way and it gets me all dizzy..Espesically when i put my turn signal they all start to jump around all krazy..

So I got a AutoGauge 5" RPM Tach that my cousin had on his honda civic racer that he totaled on the 101freeway coming back from the hollywood clubs (idiot) and sold it to me for $40.00...so that turned out ok...Went to autozone and picked up oil/water/volts gauges that came connected together as a kit...
I figured that's all im going to need....my rpm tach/oil pressure/temp/and volts...I got my tach installed today and im all excited that i got everything working right...was pretty easy to do....Saturday will get the other gauges in at take pics.

Big Saint
80zbabiez CC

sweeeeet! keep the work going bro. your elkys coming along sick. i stay following this thread haha.
ill keep my eyes peeled for the new updates on the day of the gbody run
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

85gbody said:
So time to upgrade my gauges, every time on rolling my gauges go nuts, they start turning in cirlces all fast!!! Lmao, and one needle goes one way and it gets me all dizzy..Espesically when i put my turn signal they all start to jump around all krazy..

So I got a AutoGauge 5" RPM Tach that my cousin had on his honda civic racer that he totaled on the 101freeway coming back from the hollywood clubs (idiot) and sold it to me for $40.00...so that turned out ok...Went to autozone and picked up oil/water/volts gauges that came connected together as a kit...
I figured that's all im going to need....my rpm tach/oil pressure/temp/and volts...I got my tach installed today and im all excited that i got everything working right...was pretty easy to do....Saturday will get the other gauges in at take pics.

Big Saint
80zbabiez CC

sweeeeet! keep the work going bro. your elkys coming along sick. i stay following this thread haha.
ill keep my eyes peeled for the new updates on the day of the gbody run

Yeah for sure....the homie kuruption109 (kris) is hooking me up with a center console, And the Big homie Warren is working on those wells...so hopefully i can have that in before the run too....we doing it big ...80zbabiez CC
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

85gbody said:
So time to upgrade my gauges, every time on rolling my gauges go nuts, they start turning in cirlces all fast!!! Lmao, and one needle goes one way and it gets me all dizzy..Espesically when i put my turn signal they all start to jump around all krazy..

So I got a AutoGauge 5" RPM Tach that my cousin had on his honda civic racer that he totaled on the 101freeway coming back from the hollywood clubs (idiot) and sold it to me for $40.00...so that turned out ok...Went to autozone and picked up oil/water/volts gauges that came connected together as a kit...
I figured that's all im going to need....my rpm tach/oil pressure/temp/and volts...I got my tach installed today and im all excited that i got everything working right...was pretty easy to do....Saturday will get the other gauges in at take pics.

Big Saint
80zbabiez CC

sweeeeet! keep the work going bro. your elkys coming along sick. i stay following this thread haha.
ill keep my eyes peeled for the new updates on the day of the gbody run

Yeah for sure....the homie kuruption109 (kris) is hooking me up with a center console, And the Big homie Warren is working on those wells...so hopefully i can have that in before the run too....we doing it big ...80zbabiez CC

awwwww center console. :mrgreen: damn, always wanted it :blam: lol
yeah, i seen kuruptions and el co warrens threads too. sick, much respect bruh
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

Sanding is the easy part for me. I love seeing the deep scratches dissappear with each grit of sand paper. I got some more done after work this morn. Goal is to have them done for the 17th show. Ill have them ready for you to come get on Friday the 15th. Filled a couple more holes and tried a new epoxy. It has a 1 minute set time so I had to prep everything first and get it poured and spread where I needed it..

Ok. Gettin better at mixing and using the filler. Im getting better at "feathering the edges down smooth. I kept sanding all the filler back out. LOL! But this is a new step that requirs practice. This step will really aid in hiding the epoxied in hole. I need some new putty blades to help smooth the filler a lil better than this. You will see some fine scrathces in these pics. Thats ok. The filler primer will fill that iin and it will aid in giving the primer something to bite onto..









Treid a different epoxy this time. It sets in 1 minute so i had to have everything all setup. The other stuff took five minutes to set and was runny. I sanded a lil bit to see if it was dry but it wasnt fully dry. Should be now tho.





ElcOCD Warren :twisted:
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

Take all the time you need brah.....i already know they going to be as smooth and my little boys butt....hahahaha :rofl:

Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

.....i already know they going to be as smooth and my little boys butt....hahahaha !

Lmfao!!!!! funny but true :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??

While the big homie elko warren working on those wells, im getting down with these gauges....I cant believe im actually hooking up gauges, i never thought i had the electrical skills in my blood, but im not paying shops n e more!!!!

Im doing alot of reading and serching you tube vids to get the idea....right know everything is connected and working properly..elko has been turned on to test the temp/oil/volts/rpm, and works fine!!!

All i need to do know is reposition that RPM tach, and hide all those dayum wires....i still need to run the light to the gauges, maybe Saturday get everything done and get it on the road to test everything.

One question, when u give the elko gas the oil pressure needle goes up the back to its normal pressure...is that normal ( becuase when u give it gas you giving it pressure?)

Big Saint


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