Re: 1980 El Camino Fresh New Paint!!! TELL ME WHAT U THINK??
Me and my pops got to work on these mirrors..oh yes dad in from we sanded them all last night and got them all smooth...we primered the passanger side mirror first and gave it about 3-4 coats of primer and we done...the driver side had about 1in little dent so we bondo that b*tch..and let it sit over night, we ready to sand it, primer them and hopefully by tomorrow morning...send them to paint shop..
Oh yea! Picked up wheel wells today...looking so dayum sweet, will install a bit later.
Me and my pops got to work on these mirrors..oh yes dad in from we sanded them all last night and got them all smooth...we primered the passanger side mirror first and gave it about 3-4 coats of primer and we done...the driver side had about 1in little dent so we bondo that b*tch..and let it sit over night, we ready to sand it, primer them and hopefully by tomorrow morning...send them to paint shop..
Oh yea! Picked up wheel wells today...looking so dayum sweet, will install a bit later.