not to make a selling point or convince no one, but its a project with potential. plus if i may say with out going to gbody forum jail again there a few points i like to cover. if the cars not your cup of tea no need to throw shade. your getting what you pay for ive seen these cars go for double digits, of course in really good shape. second everyone here did not buy one of the g-body they own in dealership conditions it takes pride and joy not to mention time and most important MONEY to get it to be your eye candy. for last and not least no ones putting a gun to no ones head pressuring for any one to buy it so why all the negativity lol i see misery LOVES company to the fullest on here 😉
I'm just wondering if this is really you, I don't think you have posts that were almost perfect English as they are in this thread.....btw it is a honest question