As mentioned earlier... i'm not fond of bashing the crush bend guys, they do some nice work, and their welds are very good! But to see the back of that muffler falling off with 2 hrs of run time leaves a fella with questions... so twenty minutes later swing by the muffler shop for some remedial work... we'll just say he was not exactly happy to see me there without an appointment. without cell phone service(when i discovered the freshly broken muffler) , it's difficult to make appointments... we both agreed shortly after that the failure to communicate was hard to avoid and he agreed to fix me up. pretty happy now...i carry on with my trip to to races... while fluctuating eng load and RPM for for next while... new noises began to materialize. Being a fresh build, one tends to meld with his new ride swiftly while keepin keepin watchful eye on his instruments.
Stop a while later; stop to visit the pals and course show off a bit... found some... shall I say... "odd" new noises from the firewall area...
after takin' a peek here and there to discover loose alternator, loose bolts at the bellhousing... and more loosening of exhaust components,followed by a puzzled look from "the pals"... was really awkward to say say least... considering I work with high voltage professionals and inspection service types (i like painted witness marks. Do them for yourselves too!!!).
Raise car up, dig out appropriate tools from my "good samaritan" road tool box(es) re-tighten bolts and go to the "burnout box" over by BP and CT.
seeing lots of people with striped yellow-strioed pants walking around, there were to be no burnouts... a good evening chill with other car folks; followed by a run home for fact finding. No racing, no burnouts, no spirited accelerations,NADA!!!!
Puzzled that my stuff was wigglng it's way loose, I ask the engine builder if he forgot to balance that engine, his reply was I must have forgotten something(s) an of course that engine was balanced. I didnt get a damper or flexplate with it so it must be internally balanced...