Haha, I hear ya. But I did make progress...Normally I'd be sayin, hurry up, but I have not touched my Salon in months. Lol
Loading it onto the trailer.

At the paint booth.

It was a mission. My 94 k1500 fuel pump took a sh*t this morning, so I went to use my 83 c20, and the coil crapped out. No spark. Fixed it with a spare, loaded the wagon, and off I go. I get a 1/3rd of the way there and the alternator light comes on, it munched a belt. So I find an auto zone and they don't have the right belt. I had to yank the smog pump pulley off to use a shorter belt. When I went to loosen the 1/2" bolt for the adjustment, it snapped off in the alternator. So, i stick on the shorter belt, and vise grip that Em effer in place. Finally got the car to the booth.
What a friggin day.