Well I ordered another flex sensor off RA. Here's hoping this one works.
I tried getting a replacement through Pace Performance a while ago, but they needed the VIN for warranty work, the mileage, and all that jazz and were tough to get a solid answer from since I ordered it in February and it was months before I got to the project. The $50 new sensor wasn't worth the warranty paperwork and calling back and forth multiple times and delays when the new part will be here Monday.
I hooked up my battery charger directly to the sensor to eliminate any chassis noise and checked for frequency output from the signal wire to the ground on the battery charger and had 0hz. I had 160hz flashing to 120hz between signal and power on the sensor but the battery charger generated 120hz signal so it might have been from that.
I historically don't shotgun parts at issues but the sensor was yelling at me it's bad and I wasn't paying attention so I finally listened to it.
I also bought some new adjustable UCA's so I'll get those swapped next week and probably pull the driveshaft and bring it to the local driveline shop and get a new one made to try to chase down my driveline vibration.
Full speed ahead. Car needs to run 10.99's in 2 months and it ran 11.70 in '18 before it blew the axle. Hopefully there is 0.7 seconds in a good launch and some timing!