Anyone Else Tired of Winter

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I guess one learns to deal with winter, I don't necessarily like it, but I look at it like this, my car gets a break from abuse, keeps the miles off it, my bank account gets time to recover from supplying two vehicles with gas, and it opens up a whole new type of offroading which is far less damaging to my jeep (than mud). So it's not all bad, I am ready for it to go away for the year though, haha.
I hate winter. No sunlight, salt covered roads, shoveling snow, school is in session.
I love working on the cars, and going to shows, and the track. Summer is my kind of time of year. I can't wait til this summer. I get my license and I got a job lined up.
I have to do my oil changes this month on, my mom's car, my aunt's, and my 3... So 5 oil changes, even in the attached garage, suck when it's 15* out. Probably get to do them tomorrow.
marcar1993 said:
I hate winter. No sunlight, salt covered roads, shoveling snow, school is in session.
I love working on the cars, and going to shows, and the track. Summer is my kind of time of year. I can't wait til this summer. I get my license and I got a job lined up.
I have to do my oil changes this month on, my mom's car, my aunt's, and my 3... So 5 oil changes, even in the attached garage, suck when it's 15* out. Probably get to do them tomorrow.

Damn dude why do them urself?!?!?!.... :shock: ...after buying oil and filters and stuff you only save like 5 bucks if that. Not trying to be a dick, just saying.
I get what your saying, you're not being a dick.
I trust few with my cars... Simply... Also, if there's salt on the ground, 2 of them aren't going further than the edge of the driveway. Makes it hard to have someone do it for you.
While I do oil changes, I check everything out, and clean and paint on any of the cars if I see anything. Oil changes are my time to inspect the undercarriage and the motor/trans from the bottom and make sure everything is like it's supposed to be.
Nothing is more comforting to me than doing maintainance on my own vehicles. It's just a time to relax; doing what I love with out having to think about it, or sink alot of money into it. Just a time to be left alone with my thoughts and my pride and joy; my Blazer and Cutlass

Besides that, I won't put anything other than Castrol GTX High Mileage and ACDelco oil and filter on my vehicles, so I like to make sure that Pennzoil and Valvoline never touch my engines.
Gotcha...ive changed my own before too, i guess there is a sense of pride and accomplishment you get from doing work yourself, but id just rather pay and not mess with it.
2fit661ca said:
Nothing is more comforting to me than doing maintainance on my own vehicles. It's just a time to relax; doing what I love with out having to think about it, or sink alot of money into it. Just a time to be left alone with my thoughts and my pride and joy; my Blazer and Cutlass

Besides that, I won't put anything other than Castrol GTX High Mileage and ACDelco oil and filter on my vehicles, so I like to make sure that Pennzoil and Valvoline never touch my engines.
I hate to break this to you dude but Valvoline tested way better than a bunch of different oils second only to Royal Purple and Pennrite. click on this link and on oil tests and read on.
I truely don't mean to argue, and if you guys prefer to use those brands, there is nothing wrong with that; my dad and I have just had really bad luck with both oils, but his 87 cutlass never got anything BUT Castrol it's entire life, and he put 287,000 on it before he sold it in 2003 (he bought it new) the engine still ran strong, and his 89 Blazer got the same treatment and did just as well, except for that it did finally grow too tired to work at 289,000 with the 4.3L V6 about 4 years ago. It was my dad's winning formula and so far it's working for me, so I won't change away from that. ...and Royal Purple is just too darn expensive for what I am driving.
I wonder why that comparison test above didn't include amsoil....

as far as oil goes 2fit661ca is right about it being a preference choice alot of the times but the first time I used a synthetic I was impressed with the obvious improvement and ease of the engine rotating. Plus the synthetic saved the engine a few times when it overheated. We run racing amsoil in the race car along with amsoil in the transmission and rear end as I do in my street car. It is more expensive to purchase but if your using an amsoil filter you can run that oil for 25,000 miles or one year and in some cases 35,000 miles or one year. That won't void the warranty on a new vehicle either and with the extended intervals to change the oil it comes out cheaper then conventional oils and your engine will be in better condition. ... t_comp.php
I guess this Arctic winter that the country is having is helping to prove that the myth of global warming or climate change caused primarily by man is just that--a myth. Sounds like everyone would welcome a little global warming right about now ( of course without that goofball Al Gore and his carbon credits and rationing!!!!)
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