Funny how I heard the talk up to the mid '70's was we're all going to freeze, the global warming, now it's climate change untill the next catch phrase. I'm going to thing back to Earth science class on how the planet goes through cycles that just happens at it's will. Look at the man made cuts that show the different layers of the earth that had been covered by time & see what was imprinted into the fossil record. There has been worst weather events than what we are having right now it's just looks it cause the way we populated & developed areas on the planet. Parts of the planet had different eco systems than what they have now which started to change before the expansion of most huminoid species "modernized" their way of life. Was northern Africa a desert & Antartica a frozen wasteland originally? No, just like here in the north east of the US & south east of Canada at one time was at the bottom of an ocean. Speaking of which is human activities making the Atlantic bigger, the Pacific smaller, jaming the Indian sub continent under Asia? Again no. What to do if all of a sudden most of the planets volcanos come back to life & start going off pushing their toxic gases into the air will humans be able to clean that up? No. Now thing about WWI & how the climate in Europe was with all the enviromental impact from all the gun powder being burnt off. It did clear up. Think about when India & China really pushed the lock down last year to fight the Covid spread & they actually had clean air that was clear enough to see geater distances than before the lock down. I came across a small amount of stories on that just to see they were swept under the rug cause it showed one of the mystical powers the planet has (plant life) to use what it has to clean up things in the air. Past life came & went based on how the Earth was at those times as nothing will live forever to include humans. It's a fact, at one point everything will die out & could be replaced with another form of life that adapts to the Earth at that time. But human activities being the root cause again I'll say no. Temps rise, fall as do weather changes happens. The land moves, water rises & lowers. Another thing everyone should check out is what time frame has most record high tems happened. Around here it seems like in the late 1800's when they started to record temps. Now could of there been even high temps not recorded, yes but no data to prove it cause it wasn't recorded. When the cold weather hits I'll be checking it out to see temps were in that season. I'll even add a factor we'll never be able to do anything about, the sun. That will do what ever & there's no stoping it from heating or allowing the planet cool too much. Even it's gavitational pull can be affecting what all weather/temp wise here.
The Earth has cooked itself, froze itself, made itself a tropical paradise, flooded itself, created it's own change on oxygen & CO2 levels, allowed creatures to grow large as possible & small as possible, moves the continents & changed the number of them, (in theory) created the worst enviromental impact-creation of life which has added it's own twist on how things change on this rock. In one way or form the Earth will be around after us even if it decides to eleminate our species & what ever other species in time.
Enough ramblings of a uneducated college drop out who's H.S. diploma is worth less than a used sheet of toilet paper. I can go on but I thing I would make everyone wish for extiction to happen after reading it all.