When this topic comes up with friends or family , I always refer to the "news" that, after the unusually harsh winters of '77.'78, '79 in our area, a new Ice Age was coming, we were all going to die, wooly mammoths were going to reincarnate, etc. ( I was 10-11y.o. at this time, so-cool). I'm still here, no Ice Age, now something else is going to kill all of us. I believe every report, survey, poll, has some sort of bias positive or negative, otherwise- what question arose that inspired the investigation? Relllaaxxxx, we're all going to die, in due time, and I doubt it will be from climate change or whatever we're calling it this month. I call it that because I think it is the most accurate depiction. The climate is changing, it has always been changing and will continue to do so long after I am dead and gone.