Best Car You've Ever Driven

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Master Mechanic
Jul 2, 2007
Jackson, New Jersey
Again... over thataway is a discussion about what is the worst car you could drive. I was answering it and I got to thinking... despite some popular conceptions, some of the cars I've owned I thought were pretty cool.

So here, the question is... what are the coolest cars you've ever driven. Obviously, we're all pretty G-Body-centric here... so the question excludes the G-Bodies and instead focuses on those other, often forgotten cars from our pasts that were just cool and, no matter what, the coolness has stayed with you.

My answers:

1977 Chevrolet Caprice Classic
This was my second car ever, and was the first time I became acquainted with going fast. A monster of the road with a 350 V8 coupled with a four speed transmission, this car could easily break 125 and could do it without you ever noticing that you were going faster than 60. This is the car in which I got my first and (until recently) only speeding ticket for doing 163 in a 55 zone. Plus... when the little sports cars pulled up next to you at the stop light... nobody ever expected that you'd go from 0-60 in a brain-smashing six seconds. And yet, she did.

1985 Cadillac Cimarron
When I got this car, she was on her second engine -- a 2.8 liter V6 straight out of a Z24 Chevy Cavalier. Upon first inspection, I was not enamored of the spartan look of the Cavalier-clone, but once I got in it I realized that the exterior looks were where the similarity ended. The interior was all leather, digital everything, and felt like what a Cadillac is supposed to feel like. The car even handled like a four-ton leviathan, and that little V6 put out enough power to almost make me not miss my Caprice. I had a lot of fun in that car, including a two-hour race with a BMW Z3 that spanned half the length of the Garden State Parkway. Alas, it was not mean to be, as the bearings went bad only a few months after I got the car.

1986 Buick Skylark
I got this car purely because of the name "Skylark". My first car was a 1978 Skylark, and I felt that some nostalgia was in order. The car was little, was powered by the mighty 2.5L Tech-4 engine. What made the car cool was the resemblance to a baby Grand National, plus the fact that, though the little tech-4 put out only 100 or so horsepower, the car was actually able to move pretty quick. And what it lacked in off-the-line power, it made up for in handling. The car was just, for some crazy reason, fun to drive.

So... what about you's guys?
well my cars were an 84 caddy that my father totaled (like the bad bearings weren't enough) and then i got it, an 80 slant6 volare without a single system that didn't need work (overheated the piss out of it the first time i drove her) however it was NY state police blue so i was left alone due to confusion, 82 malibu kept blowing the rear wheel cylinders due to a rusted backing plate, 86 jetta that i watched burn on my front lawn, 89 golf LONG story there, 86 jetta diesel-first car anybody in my family actually sold!, andmy present 97 jetta tdi and 87 monte. there's not much competition there. 😢
that i've driven though, ( i'm counting as a tow driver) i'd say the 1 of 34 left hand drive DB6 Aston Martin. or my brothers 84 honda queluude that ran on souls.
The best car I ever drove was a friend of the garage that I work at's 2001 BMW 740IL. I was cruising down the highway with it at around 90mph and it felt like you were floating. Not to mention I put my foot to the floorboard while I was cruising at 90mph and it quickly accelerated up to 130mph. The handling was great on it. The ride was comforable as well. But I guess that is what you get when you pay 80,000 for it brand new
The best car I ever owned though would be my 2005 Neon SXT.
Reliable, Comfortable (even with the size of it), inexspensive, good gas mileage, great handling and decent performance. BUT..... I would still rather cruise in my GP 😀
2000 BMW 330ci. I love the look of the car and it has excellent driving dynamics. Very well balanced. Only negative was the auto-tragic transmission. A car like this deserves a manual.

2002? Mercedes-Benz C32 AMG. Fast car that does not feel fast. I thought I was doing 80-90 when I was really doing 130! Again, the automatic was the only negative. Both cars were owned by a friend of mine who was too lazy to drive stick in traffic.

For reliability: 1998 Nissan Frontier. Has had issues over the years, but no real ISSUES! 278k of pizza delivery and still going strong.

For Fuel economy: 1998 Nissan Sentra XE 1.6/5speed. 32mpg city, and probably over 50 hwy (judging from an automatic one I had that could do it). I traded it at 3 mos old on the Frontier. My first new car (truck is 2nd).

1991 Nissan 240sx SE. Amazingly balanced chassis and wonderful handling.
my grandpa's 2002 Cadillac Deville was the nicest to drive

our 1993 Corvette we had for a while was the most fun though

I would like a chance to drive a Mercedes someday possibly even own one of these new C-Class cars
I'm pretty sure you will all laughed to death when I will say that, but the most fun car I drove was my Pontiac Asuna Sunfire 1993, what and incredible fun with a Lotus Suspension and all-wheel brake disc, and power for a four cylinder 1,8!!!!!! Crook mark 55 km/h I was doing it a 100 Km/h lol
The best thing i ever drove is my step dads 55 chevy 210 the 210 is the same car as the belair just less chrome.Its a 454 and m22 4 speed 12 bolt rear and its mean felt great smoking a civic in it.
I would have to say the best car i have drivin (so far) is my old mans new SRT-8 charger. That thing is fun. Its big, looks mean, has LOTS of power, and it still handles amazing. I was playing with the 0-60 timer it has, and my best to date is 4.43 seconds. And its Plum CrAzY purple. haha
I doubt he'd let me do it, but they run 13 flat or quick in the 1/4 from the factory.
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