I guess I'm more pragmatic than anything else when it comes to business deals. Verbal agreements as what allegedly happened here to keep the car along the same path mean nothing once the cash and the title swap hands. As
bracketchev1221 put it so eloquently- nobody hears anyone crying about what Bob did with the money. He should have bought bitcoin with that money, could have bought it back and had more money left over by now...but hey, I'm guessing he didn't. Can't fault the current owner for doing whatever he wanted with the car. But I can also see where the actions could rub some people the wrong way. I haven't, and will never, buy a car with any stipulations from the seller that I do this or that or keep something the same with the car, unless I offered that first and that was my intentions all along. But if I changed my mind later, I owe nothing more than the money I paid. Haters gonna hate. At least I would be happy, and that's all that counts.
Emotions should stop as soon as the business deal goes into motion. And for the fans of the Brick who liked what it was and where it was going, you had a chance for the longest time to buy it and keep it going. Sh*t changes. You got to suck it up and deal with the things you cannot control. I get the emotional "investment" that some people had with the car. But unless there's some $$ investments in the car, emotional investments correlate to $0.00 investment value.
I would love to find a good home for my rides when it's time for me to step away from the hobby. I don't know when that will be, but I would hope I could find someone that would take care of my cars as I would. But that's pie in the sky thinking. Come back to the real world and you find that people do with their stuff as they wish. And unless you have skin in that game, you have no say-so. If I sell a car, I can't worry what happens to it down the road.
Can Bob hold his grudge if he felt slighted on a verbal agreement? Sure. Be butt-hurt all you want, but sitting on the pile of cash you got for it should ease that butt-hurt. Will holding a grudge change anything? No.
You want control of the Brick's future fate? Then fork over $14K or best offer....