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Master Mechanic
Apr 29, 2017
There it is. California has enacted a law to give $1000 fines if a cop feels like it. Who do you think will get pulled over and fined the most? Now, go watch your football heroes. LOL!

My understanding is that this isn't a change in the law, but rather stepped-up enforcement. Unfortunately, if you get a citation, the onus is on you to prove that it's compliant to the noise limit.

Which if you look at the video, is very difficult to prove. Hence, you're out $1000 at the whim of the police.
People forget that these are not rights being violated, but rather privileges that some have abused and are being taken away from everyone. Thus the vocal minority has been louder and more proactive - and "we" lost. The fact remains you are not entitled to anything.

That being said: It is up to you to be smarter than the system.
I can't believe people want to live in California and put up with that onerous level of government.
My God, it's not about anything other than gouging working people to pay for those who are on the gibs-me-dat train.
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Not me. It's my wife. We were both born & raised here, but she has much more of an attachment to it than I do.

Move and visit if needed. I grew up in Toronto and lived in the GTA for well over 30 years. When we moved to Ottawa I left behind my family, friends, and social networks. It was my wife's idea (the CAF base brat that she is) to leave. Nearly ten years removed I wouldn't return if not for my Mom and a few key friends.

Toronto 'tis a silly place.
I love the weather here, but that's about it. The libtards in Sacramento have made this state almost unlivable anymore. Oops. Sorry. Got a little political there. :roll:
There is Nevada, Arizona for being "close". Then you have Idaho (as long as they fight off Californication), New Mexico, Texas for some ideas.
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