All I can say is WOW, this is a page all about cars and we are making fun of what other people call their pride and joy???!! Everyone has different taste and different income levels on what they can afford to do to their cars. Just because you think they are building a pile of crap doesn’t mean that they and others don’t enjoy it. I remember talking to my childhood neighbor back in my early teens when he was in his 70s and him talking about the old timers complaining about the new generation and the stuff they were doing that they didn’t care for so they pushed them out of the shows. He told me that these people are the ones ruining the hobby, the young people that they were pushing out was the future of hot rodding and just because it was a different platform didn’t mean that they didn’t share the same passion. This guy owned a 84 cutlass that he bought new but didn’t understand the appeal of that car to a teenager as he is helping me build up engines for my regal and fix anything he could to help me learn just because I was a teenager with a passion for the same thing he had a passion for. I have been around custom cars and hot rods literally my entire life, I remember growing up and almost all of our dads hat some sort of toy car in the garage that they wrenched on while drinking beer with their buddies. Today, I find it hard to find anyone that is into cars period, let alone g bodies. Sure I have a few childhood friends that still are into cars but the vast majority of the folks I knew growing up that built cars is now either passed or gave it up. To sit here and bash folks because you don’t like what they brought, you are the ones killing this hobby.