Cops Need to Fight Crime not Motorists

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I deal with police officers in court regularly and what you need to remember is there are people just like ourselves. Treat them with respect if you get stopped and don't come up with some BS excuse cause that's just an insult to their intelligence. If you own up to what you did you'll have a better day and you'll get off easier in most cases. They are just doing a job and the harder you make it on them you'll pay the price. I've have a few officers tell me that my client was such a %$%%$$% that he/she won't agree to any reduction. There are some bad cops out there but there's not many of them. They're bosses don't like to have bad cops on the force cause that just makes their job more difficult.
both times I got stopped by an officer in my Cutlass they were cool about it.

The first time ended without me getting a ticket, and the officer asking me how many miles were on my car, etc.

The second time I got stopped in one of the roadside inspection checkpoints. An officer was going down the line making sure people had their documents ready, and I mentioned to him I didn't have cats, which is a HUGE fine. He was great, said he'll write me a ticket for having something hanging from my rearview, and send me on my way. Probably saved my car from getting towed.

Point is, cops are just like us too, a few I know even own muscle cars. As with any job, you always have one or two bad apples though . . .
Around where i live (small town) loud cars and trucks arent a huge problem, drugs and DUI's are a much bigger priority to deal with, but even with that any car thats loud the cops will eye you up. Plus around here, people get away with busted tailights, windows, no exhaust and such but its just the simple fact that a couple of these cops need to know the law better and should review there states inspection criteria. I'm young and when driving around in my cutlass they will take a second look at me because i am young and driving a loud vehicle around.

Now i dont have a problem with cops, but like said before, they need to know the law better.
I think a lot of these issues are location based. here in tucson you can get pulled over in certain parts of town for going 8 over.
License plate recognition? WTF, first it was two way radios, then scmod's, then radar guns, tasers, FLIR... What's next?

Can't a guy make a dishonest living in this country anymore? :evil:
Theres a lot more cops around today who require more revenue to be paid. So they stop people for suspect issues and look for things to cite them for. I live near a town that has 3 cops on duty each day and they all sit in the same spot almost the whole shift trying to catch speeders on the state Thats a troopers job, isnt it? The crime rate has been dropping steadily for the last 70 yrs in terms of murder/ bank robberies/ gang activity per capita across the country, yet we have 3x the amount of uniformed officers on the beat per capita to fight less crime? But, if I call 911 and tell them that I have a thief in my store stealing stuff, they want a video tape or else theres not much they can do....i guess the courts dont want to deal with shop lifters unless theres video proof, even if I and five other people witnessed the crime.

DWI's and traffic court revenues are big business for Judges, Lawyers, DA's etc, especially the in metro areas because once you lose your license, its an expensive ordeal to get it back...ASK ME HOW I KNOW! But, they dont want to remove your drivers license for long because then you wont be driving enough to get stopped Sorry, but I have little respect for our traffic laws. I lived in Florida for 6yrs and the courts there treated the citizens as a drain on society and they treated the tourists like Kings....and a cop friend even admitted it to me that the tourist are treated very lightly to keep them coming back each year. If that isnt BS, I dont know what is....its all about the taxes that pay their salaries. I dont blame the cops much cause they are just following orders, but I would have trouble sleeping at night if I was forced to favor tourists over everyday citizens who are just trying to make a living. :blam:
JBreu said:
...We Road Patrol guys have a 15 mph rule...meaning if your going 68 in a 55 your good, soon as you hit 70 your good to stop. Now when I was on the DWI unit, that's another story...12 your fine and 13 your mine...

Haha, not around here...
I've never been bothered in Minneapolis (knock on wood), but the surrounding suburbs that I grew up in and live in now are a different story.
5 mph over and you're getting stopped. Day or night. Guaranteed.
After 10 pm, they will literally follow you for as long as they can to try and find something to pull you over for they're so desparate to find drunk drivers.

Why is driving after 10pm "suspicious"?? Is there a curfew for adults now? **** off!
I certainly don't think that it's grounds to search my car, which it seems like every officer is dying to do...

The problem is they are nicer areas, and the "concerned citizens" demand more police presence to make them feel safe.
Meanwhile, the huge staff of officers have nothing to do accept harass motorists to fight off their boredom.
I get followed CONSTANTLY... and you wouldn't believe the kind of rediculous excuses they give for stopping me.
I've been pulled over probably 30 times in the past 10 years. Only gotten about 6 tickets, but have had enough interaction to know what a joke 90% of their job is...
I'm not trying to take away from the good that they do, but it seems like a lot of their energy is misdirected...
As for driving on expired tags its easy . He just took it out of storage . You get a envelope and pc of paper to send in to renew . I have 6 cars on road at least 1 time a year I am close or over on renew .And who looks at a 1" by 1 1/2" sticker (PA ) Lucky to see inspection is out and its on windshield Here usually get a change to show got taken care of . Its not a $$$ fine . Now court cost that's different.

I deal with officers all time . And In my 30 yr history (not allowed back in Georgia LOL) never got pulled over for something I didn't do and was usually let off easy for those I did . Show respect goes long way. Its their job .
kornball426 said:
License plate recognition? WTF, first it was two way radios, then scmod's, then radar guns, tasers, FLIR... What's next?

Can't a guy make a dishonest living in this country anymore? :evil:
Seriously. Red light cameras. Next thing you know we'll be getting tickets in the mail from highway cameras. What is this pinko commie land or what? Bullshit.

I haven't had a speedo in months and i hot rod all over town. I got pulled over once a few years ago for doin a burn out for some kids on bikes. Cop said "whatcha got in that thang" and "Try not to do that in front of the bars".
I guess cops in the city have better things to do.
JBreu, after seeing your posts for a couple of years, I sincerely believe you are a stand-up guy. Thank you for your service. I have to say that to you, because I can think of only 2 officers where I live, who I would say that to. I personally know most of them, and corruption is king where I live. And it isn't a new thing....been that way here for 50 years. I can send you the terms to google and make your own opinion. Like I said, I would say you are a stand-up guy, and thank YOU for your service. On the subject of plate readers, yes they are real. Red light cameras are all over the place here in east Tennessee, as well. On those two things, they suck, but if you don't have something wrong, they shouldn't affect a perfect world.
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