Covid 19 flare up then subsides.

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Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
It's easy to dismiss if you haven't had it.... ;)

they can't tell you how severe it will be if you do get it, I know people who had it and they almost didn't know they had it and then there are those who get really bad symptoms. Also with there are reports the virus is not as potent as it was in the past and there are less people ending up in the hospital.


Know it all, that doesn't
Supporting Member
May 22, 2011
Central NY
I know of one person that had it. They have SEVERE asthma. They had absolutely no issues at all. Stayed home for 14 days, and then went back to work...
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Comic Book Super Hero
Feb 16, 2009
Western MN
My 25yr old cousin had it (ex college football player) no symptoms, only tested because his room mate tested positive with symptoms (no taste). He went back for a retest and tested negative

Father of one of my wife's childhood friend's caught it and tested positive. He worked in maintenance at a turkey processing facility where it was going through pretty hot a few months ago. He was at home for a while, normal sick, got over it like anything else.

Dad's coworker's wife tested positive no symptoms. His coworker never tested positive. His coworker had to stay home for 2 weeks. He didn't understand how his wife could be positive but he couldn't when they live, eat, sleep together.

Wife's college friend is a paramedic. She was in close contact with someone who had it. Had weekend off, found out she had to stay home as per work since she was in contact, got sick a day later, stayed home pretty sick for 5 days, begged to get tested, finally tested her, tested negative, Doc told her you probably had it.

College friend's wife is a nurse and he said that all the patients she worked with in the hospital are 'dramatically overweight middle to upper aged men who have a good sense of humor'

I only have 4 data points and if I was sick I would get tested, but I would take the results with a grain of salt.

If you get sick it's not fun, if you are immuno-compromised you don't want it. It's probably better to take some precautions to protect others in places where your air you exhale is likely to get recycled by others until we find evidence that supports otherwise.

Cancelling high density indoor events like concerts is probably wise until the most at risk can get vaccinated, however everyone isn't going to get vaccinated so it's still going to spread, and cancelling moderate density high population outdoor activities like outdoor baseball games, or moderate density moderate population events like weddings, or low density outdoor events like car shows isn't helping much.

You might get it, and by the time it's done you will probably know someone who knows someone who died with or from it, but the world will keep moving on.
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Know it all, that doesn't
Supporting Member
May 22, 2011
Central NY
If you get sick it's not fun, if you are immuno-compromised you don't want it.

I agree. If you have a weak immune system or underlying health issues, duck and cover, stay inside, do whatever you have to do to not get it. The other 98% of the world should be able go on with life though....
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Goat Herder
Dec 1, 2014
Upstate NY
What works well in China (who have a very high population density and a high obedience rate), or in New Zealand (which has a moderate to low population density and is an island nation that can 100% seal off) isn't going to work or should be applied in NYC or South Dakota. I think each state or city doing what is best for them is the best strategy since if you tried to apply a broad solution to the entire nation, it would seem drastic and people would do nothing, and it would probably end up worse in the end.

This is the most overlooked aspect of this pandemic IMHO. The manner in which this spreads makes 81cutlass's observation about population density obvious to me, but it hasn't really seemed to catch on with the general public both on this forum or most anywhere else if I base my opinion on what I've seen in the media. I don't believe it takes a Rhodes scholar to see that wearing a mask is an effective practice if I ride in a subway car for 15 minutes with 100 other people to stop the spread. And it should seem obvious that wearing a mask on my 8 minute commute to work, alone in my truck, is complete tomfoolery.

There should be a happy medium that is sensible for all, but we can't seem to find one. The reason, well, my guess, is biased media and politics. The reason is almost unimportant or irrelevant at this point.

I feel that this issue has turned into one of respect and decency. Each one of us has to decide if we want to be respectful of each other and treat each other with decency. The 'law' or government edict of the day says I have to wear a mask, or my gym is closed, or I can't go to the movies - am I going to break the law or be disrespectful of the law? My local butcher shop doesn't want me to enter the store without wearing a mask - am I going to disrespect their request ON THEIR PROPERTY and not wear one? I can possibly spread this to my elderly mother that needs my help daily to still live alone - should I expect that you should respect my request to maintain social distance with me at work? Do I want to set an example to my children that human decency and respect of others is the right thing to do?

To those of you that believe this only kills old, sickly people and no one should be able to infringe on your rights to do whatever the hell you want wherever the hell you want - you might be old and sickly someday and want to spend another year or two with your grandchildren. I've seen it kill two people that worked everyday and I never knew had any type of health issues.......until they died.

Respect and decency - seem to be a couple of lost traits among some of our population - maybe they can make a comeback. Time will tell.
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