If you challange someone to a race, for example, and if you lose that race, do you jump out of your car and go over to the winner and say "do it again, do it again" in a rutt?
If you challange someone to a fight, in a ring, an alley, whatever, and if you lose, do you get mad and talk sh*t to the winner? For winning?
The cummins guy didn't cheat. What were the rules?
When you agreed to have your truck chained to another truck, what did you expect was going to happen? Either one pulls the other, or vice versa. Who said how far to go? When to stop? There were no rules. You get yourself into something dumb like this, and have the nerve to get mad at the winner. To me, that's a sore loser. 😉 Just sayin' my point of view!