I did the swap, the performance is about the same. For some reason the flexplate is contacting the plastic cover more now under full throttle, sounds like a blower😁. What a difference the cam makes for the idle screw setting. I turn the mixture screws in one turn and the APT another 1/2 turn and turned up the throttle screw maybe an 1/8 of a turn on the custom modified by Everyday Performance 76 403 800 cfm carb. The idle seamed high and it was, it was 500 rpm high with the choke fully open. I set it from 1500 to 1000 in park, maybe 750 in gear. Now the 83 Canadian Olds 307 800 cfm carb, same thing, except the opposite I had to crank up the idle screw up about 500 rpm. I have the idle screws pretty much all the way out. The exhaust stinks on this carb, maybe it is just super lean at idle. I seem to remember the last 83 307 carb I ran was passable at idle but was stupid lean at part throttle, a bad stumble. It is possible some played with the APT. I also swapped choke housings as I had blocked off the hot air port on the 76 carb but looks like I removed the blockage I was in the carb, still switched them. I had the choke on about the maximum setting on 83 carb for hot air where it would have maximum spring tension and still fully come off. I have the electric choke set fairly tight as well. So hot air still on the 88 and electric on the 70S. I also moved over the rear choke pull off onto the 76 carb for the 88. I actually have a canister Accel coil mounted on the 70S where that pull off goes. Funny part is the 83 has no big vent tube for a charcoal canister, so I stuck a fuel filter in the end of my charcoal canister on my 88 and a fuel filter and hose on the 70S, not necessary on either now. Hopefully the choke doesn't act up on the 76 carb and stick again, going to do a cold start on it today to test it out.