While I was our of town I got some deliveries. So, to restate the backstory on my Indian -- It's technically an imposter. It was built from genuine parts about 5 years ago but since it wasn't built in the factory it's titled as "assembled Indian Chief". That really doesn't bother me a bit because you don't ride the title and even most Indian guys probably couldn't tell the difference. The guy who built the bike did a pretty good job but deviated on a few parts. Not sure if the correct parts were simply not available or he just plain cheaped out. At any rate, that's where my mild OCD took over. This is the pile I ordered before I left and was waiting for me when I got home.

The lenses are just spares and the shift rod is an accessory part that wouldn't have been on a production bike but the factory rod is pretty plain and ugly. The more commonly seen accessory rod is the one with arrow head and feathers.
The grips are fairly indian-specific. Previous owner must have suffered from severe sweaty palms because the originals are really corroded.
The correct mirrors are more teardrop shaped than the rectangular ones it came with.
The final OCD purchase was the correct Indian script front caliper. Front and rear are the same but the rear is tucked under the pipe and not visible. Both the plain ones that are on it and the new script one were manufactured by Thunderheart -- only difference is the script. It wasn't cheap and I'm a little embarrassed about what I paid for it but it was the only one left in the country as far as I can tell. For some reason not having that script has really bugged me.
Anyway, I got everything swapped out but the caliper yesterday then ran into a little glitch so I'll need to make a run to the hardware store this morning for some washers. Hoping to find the time to get the saddlebags installed this week too but I've got about a million chores to get done before my next work trip.
This thing is filthy.