Yes, McCain is pandering- to the right wing base, because he's nothing but a Democrat in Republican clothing. No wars for oil? Are you nuts? Oil is one of the best reasons to go to war! Our whole society is based on it, and until we find a real long-term solution, we are foolish NOT to go to war for it! Maybe down the road we will find a real alternative to oil, but until then we NEED it to survive as a civilization. If we have no oil, we will never reach the technological breakthroughs we need to get off of it because we will be bankrupt and starving.
As for Bill Clinton, let's take a look at his foreign policy accomplishments. He gave China PERMANENT "Most Favored Nation" trading status shortly after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, pushed for and signed NAFTA and GATT, cut all defense spending, and failed to adequately respond to threats from abroad. Domestically, he forced banks to make risky loans in the name of fairness, and relaxed the lending rules for government insured loans. Oh yeah, and his campaign was found to have been funded partially by donations from Chinese Red Army owned corporations, and was laundered by Charlie Trie. Trie (Spelling?) was one of Clinton's top fundraisers, and upon being discovered he fled the country to.... China! And who overrode the state department to allow an American corporation to help troubleshoot a failed Chinese Rocket? Bill Clinton again. This help with their telemetry systems gave the Chinese a 20 year quantum leap ahead in technology and targeting. Getting head from an ugly, fat chick was the LEAST of his shortcomings in the oval office.
And just what should we have done after 9-11? Sat down with our enemies over tea and tried to talk out our differences? Ran away with our tails between our legs like we did in 1980 after the Marine Barracks bombing in Beruit? Nothing at all-like we did in 1993 after the first World Trade Center bombing? You people in the "Peace in our time" crowd fail to consider that this is far from the first time we have been attacked by the radical elements of the Islamic world. It goes back to the early 1800's when our sailors were being kidnapped and held for ransom in Tripoli, Lybia. Every other nation would pay the ransom. We went in and killed the kidnappers and retrieved our citizens. That is where that line comes from in the Marine Corps' fight song. You may also not know that suicide bombings date from this period as well. The British forces dealt with this sort of thing when they were occupying Egypt.