As for Iraq, we had good intelligence, as did France, Germany, Great Brittan, and Russia, that they were attempting to build WMD's. They may well have been and they could have shipped their technology to Syria immediately following the invasion. There were convoys of trucks leaving the country at this time, after all. They also were known state sponsors of terrorism. For example, they gave $25,000 to the family of any suicide bomber who attacked Israel. Iraq also attempted to assassinate Bush 41 on a visit to the middle east. Why did the rest of the world not choose to follow us? Many of them were dirty, and were trading arms for oil, or getting kick backs from Iraq--including the son of the Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan. French weapons and technology were found in Iraq after the invasion, and they had been produced within a few months before the invasion. Russia was also selling them weapons and they did not wish to lose a valuable trading partner. After all, arms production is the Russian Federation's number one export, followed by oil and vodka.