Getting the F' Outta Dodge.

So is 96 dB the threshold at which you flunk? If so, that's exactly the same standard as here in California.

I've seen that level compared to power lawn mowers. You'll need one of those. Will that require inspection? Will they arrive with a warrant for your shed?

California wants to ban gasoline-powered mowers and leaf blowers outright, but in a truly stunning turn of events, is apparently admitting that "feasibility" should be considered first.
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So is 96 dB the threshold at which you flunk? If so, that's exactly the same standard as here in California.

I've seen that level compared to power lawn mowers. You'll need one of those. Will that require inspection? Will they arrive with a warrant for your shed?

California wants to ban gasoline-powered mowers and leaf blowers outright, but in a truly stunning turn of events, is apparently admitting that "feasibility" should be considered first.

I love how mowers are the devil but 50+ container container ships off the coast are OK.
I decided to make my presence known today. Window tint, loud exhaust, the whole shebang. And took the Cool Bus to school to pick up the kids:


The other kids and the gym teacher loved it!

In other news, we had one magic pixie wrangler by today (we talked a lot of car stuff before even looking at the problem), should have another two in next week. I really want this shop functioning again.
No moose about, but the deer seem to have decided to start roaming the streets at night in packs. City Animal Control doesn't deal with them; not their job. Conservation Officers might but jurisdiction is an issue. Spotted a bear coming out of the bush at the bottom end of a cul-de-sac and right next door to the City Pound. Not sure, maybe was trying to turn itself in for a free meal and a place to sleep. Must of changed its mind, wandered back into the brush.

Biggest issue the ACO's have isn't the animals, it's the owners. Lots of turnover in that department. ACO shows up in response to a complaint about a noisy dog and the owner gets all belligerent. Owner just doesn't get the fact that the dog has been bellowing all night long and every night for a while; doesn't care. Not even going to get into cats. My buddy runs a half-way house of a bunch of feral ones over by his place. Call it a half way house because they are half-wild-half crazy. Sort of a case of mutual toleration. He tolerates them, they tolerate the food.

I love how mowers are the devil but 50+ container container ships off the coast are OK.
And semis to haul all those containers away.

But the port can't unload and stack the containers quick enough, and there aren't enough drivers for semis to haul the stacks when they do, so the ships can't just come and go, they have to stall around off the coast for a while before they get a chance to unload.

But nobody seemed to worry about it much until they realized Christmas is coming and all those toys from China might not get to the shelves in time.

Meanwhile, the state is honestly stumped why the smog in Los Angeles stopped going down. I kid you not.
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Seems the no front window tint thing is pretty wide spread across Canada. Go figure.

For the most part people don't have their front windows tinted, but I have seen a few imports rolling around with it done.
Seems the no front window tint thing is pretty wide spread across Canada. Go figure.

For the most part people don't have their front windows tinted, but I have seen a few imports rolling around with it done.
What if you make friends with an optometrist? Down in the states some jurisdictions allow heavier tint than is otherwise legal if it's a medical accommodation issue. Write a scrip and get your tint. Any loopholes like that up north?
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What if you make friends with an optometrist? Down in the states some jurisdictions allow heavier tint than is otherwise legal if it's a medical accommodation issue. Write a scrip and get your tint. Any loopholes like that up north?

No medical exemptions:

But, I could chop off my d*ck and call myself a woman without question. The world is f*cked up right now.
In other news, I found my HP Tuners cable! It went missing around the start of the move. I was beside myself trying to figure out where it went for months. I even went so far as to submit a ticket last night to have my account suspended if it was stolen.

I had an epiphany this morning, or a moment of clarity...

I found it stuffed in one of the first boxes we packed when staging the house. Great success!

However, we still haven't located our bowls to our dinner plate set yet. Still eating cereal out of Tupperware and casserole dishes.
No medical exemptions:

But, I could chop off my d*ck and call myself a woman without question. The world is f*cked up right now.
No need to make the chop around here, you can just start using the the term, pronoun, whatever of your choice.

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