Getting the F' Outta Dodge.

In other news, I found my HP Tuners cable! It went missing around the start of the move. I was beside myself trying to figure out where it went for months. I even went so far as to submit a ticket last night to have my account suspended if it was stolen.

I had an epiphany this morning, or a moment of clarity...

I found it stuffed in one of the first boxes we packed when staging the house. Great success!

However, we still haven't located our bowls to our dinner plate set yet. Still eating cereal out of Tupperware and casserole

The world is f*cked up right now.
Having occasion to look at history some, I have yet to find a time when it wasn't.

What bothers me is not that the human race might be doomed, but that it will find a way (as it always has) to nurse itself lamely along, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I'm more worried about reincarnation than I am about apocalypse.
I'm more worried about reincarnation than I am about apocalypse.
Don't worry, you'll come back not knowing better.

You'll be a prius loving, avocado toast eating, millennial admiring, rubber shoe wearing androgynous member of the species with a 'sex' listed as 'other' and 'race' listed as 'primate' on your birth certificate. You will probably also live in kalifornia and kiss photos of Mao and Jinping before going to sleep each night.

Now, if you have yourself flash frozen (but more than a head) Ala Ted Williams, does that count as being dead, and, by doing such, can you avoid that fate?
Apparently that anti-glare strip that some windshields come with is allowed but nothing wider or covering the full glass. Front side windows aren't supposed to be tinted to the point the cops can't see who or how many are inside. Local tuners totally ignore that and the cops ignore them.

All my windshields are tinted but only at 80%. Nobody that sees any of my vehicles or rides in them knows. Ceramic 80% is the bee's knees especially in the 100* degree summer days. It's the largest most upward facing piece of glass, hell yes I'm tinting it but not to make it dark, I'm tinting (again 80%, it's nearly clear) it to save dashes and keep heat out.
Finally getting settled in. Got a bunch of stuff organized and the fabrication station sorted out. Hopefully we'll have an elec-chicken in soon to add a couple of 240V circuits... and then I can get back to work.

What if you make friends with an optometrist? Down in the states some jurisdictions allow heavier tint than is otherwise legal if it's a medical accommodation issue. Write a scrip and get your tint. Any loopholes like that up north?
I'm told in NH you can run the tint if you get a note from your DR,it's up annually though.
Finally getting settled in. Got a bunch of stuff organized and the fabrication station sorted out. Hopefully we'll have an elec-chicken in soon to add a couple of 240V circuits... and then I can get back to work.

View attachment 186688View attachment 186689
I don't see the visual inspection station with the large screen 60" monitor 🙁
or the refrigerated compartment for keeping liquids cold :doh:
I don't see the visual inspection station with the large screen 60" monitor 🙁
or the refrigerated compartment for keeping liquids cold :doh:

Patience, grasshopper.


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