Getting the F' Outta Dodge.

Male Genital Assessor

Season 3 Episode 24 GIF by The Simpsons
  • Haha
Reactions: Longroof79
Does Saskatchewan have much for herds? I know Montana does. Could get into working with bulls for insemination


doughnut frosting GIF


fox frosting GIF by MasterChef Junior
Why Bow and Arrows? Why not a CrossBow equpped with a clip that feeds multiple arrows? Or a rubber band powered machine gun that fires arrows fed by a clip? All kinds of neat and functional weapons of venison acquisition if you surf the Yoop Tube.


doughnut frosting GIF


fox frosting GIF by MasterChef Junior
I almost..... ALMOST feel like we've gone too far with this one... which is unusual because historically I'm the one who goes there.

Reminds me of an old job where the junior managing partner declared in a meeting as a result "well, I think that's definitely the first time the words demon cum have been uttered in this or any other office. Ever."

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