Hey Mechanic58..... :shock:
How can you slam the beloved El Camino?, true it may be the hermaphrodite of automobiles, but not all of us Elky owners have weird uncles or still wear mullets. Yes..I have a selection of wife beater t-shirts and my interpritaion of fine art is the morning sunlight glistening off the old rusty household appliances planted in my front yard, yet this alone does not qualify one to own a El Camino. And whats so wrong with the El Camino? Brought our first baby home from the hospital and still had room for 3 albino pigmy goats in the front seat. The bed was full of old musty telephone books that we still hope will make a killing on the scrap market someday (potential college fund for the newborn) For some reason poeple seem to think us El Camino owners are unclean..I'm proud of my hygiene..heck just this morning I brushed my tooth (singular, as in one). What next? Soon I bet the kazzo will no longer be taken seriuosly as a musical instument.
p.s. Mines for sale...I'll even clean the goat hair off the seats and take the bag of dirty diapers out of the back.