Well, enough screwing around. I got a couple ridiculous bids to wire this place so I'm just going to do it myself. My buddy's dad is a recently retired electrical inspector so I'm sure he'll keep me from doing anything stupid or dangerous.
I know I said I wasn't going to move in until it was done but...2020 sucks...so change of plans. I'm going to roughly stage it so I know exactly where I want all my outlets. I got pretty much all my tools and equipment there with the exception of my main tool boxes, tire machine and balancer, and the compressor. It was kind of a pain doing it alone but the engine hoist helped a lot.
I took a little time to sift through my BBO stuff. The three are all separated now and it looks like there is enough to build the 455 on the left, which has parts from at least 3 different engines plus the aftermarket cam, intake, and roller rockers. It'll need to be bored though. Unfortunately, I discovered that whoever disassembled it didn't number the rods or caps and they were in separate boxes. Should be fun straightening that out. The upside is that it appears that the crank is drilled for a pilot bushing.
I know I said I wasn't going to move in until it was done but...2020 sucks...so change of plans. I'm going to roughly stage it so I know exactly where I want all my outlets. I got pretty much all my tools and equipment there with the exception of my main tool boxes, tire machine and balancer, and the compressor. It was kind of a pain doing it alone but the engine hoist helped a lot.
I took a little time to sift through my BBO stuff. The three are all separated now and it looks like there is enough to build the 455 on the left, which has parts from at least 3 different engines plus the aftermarket cam, intake, and roller rockers. It'll need to be bored though. Unfortunately, I discovered that whoever disassembled it didn't number the rods or caps and they were in separate boxes. Should be fun straightening that out. The upside is that it appears that the crank is drilled for a pilot bushing.