Happy Holidays!

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Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
It's that time of year again. Just wanted to wish all our members a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanza.
...and of course, a Happy and Healthy New Year. Be safe, stay warm.
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Same to you Jack. Let's keep Ukraine in our prayers- Christmas during wartime is not something most of us have had the misfortune to endure. Even when I was in the Army I always managed to sneak home for Christmas. It is the only time of the year Shitty City is almost tolerable. Maybe some day Ukraine can get back to celebrating like this:
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Same to you Jack. Let's keep Ukraine in our prayers- Christmas during wartime is not something most of us have had the misfortune to endure. Even when I was in the Army I always managed to sneak home for Christmas. It is the only time of the year Shitty City is almost tolerable. Maybe some day Ukraine can get back to celebrating like this:
My prayers and blessings are always with the Ukrainian people. Glory to Ukraine. Thank you for mentioning that. They're good strong people that don't deserve the sh*t that the Ruskie bastards are throwing at them.
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Jack this hits home for me. I am Slovac with some Ukranian mixed in. I have relatives over there. I was stationed in Germany 50 kliks from the Czech border. We were there to kill Russians should they be dumb enough to attack NATO. People should understand that the Ukranians are doing what we could have very easily been dragged into doing. After years of Afghanistan, Iraq, and other endless nightmares, I don't think the US people would be anywhere near Ok with another land war in Europe. So let's give them all the weapons and money they need, and hope they can survive Putin's stupidity. The young Russian people are voting with their feet and leaving rather than die for that douchebag. Imagine having to leave home at Christmastime or face the meat-grinder of a maniac's unjustified war. Of course in a police state like Russia there is no peaceful protest. You go straight to jail. I am sure that even under the horrors of war the Ukranian people will find a way to celebrate Christmas. That is just what Christmas is all about.
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You're absolutely right about young Russian people leaving in droves. It was mentioned that a lot of talent has left the country, calling it a "brain drain". They can plainly see that this war is unjust and is driven by a crazed, ex-KGB, narcissistic, Napoleonic dictator. I'm surprised no one had successfully plotted to take him out. It's more about his frail ego than anything else. . I also agree that we should give Ukraine all the support and weaponry they need to end this war. They obviously have proven that they are quite capable to learn new systems and to use them effectively. The Russians have certainly showed us what they're made of...a lot of hype and propaganda, which they are masters of.
I'm also of Slovac descent. I'm from first generation Polish parents..
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I'm also of Slovac descent. I'm from first generation Polish parents..
Wow Jack-look at that. My whole family is Slovac, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, Ukranian, just a big bunch of Hunkies. So I guess you are getting as fat as I am on that good Hunky Holiday food. My wifey just whipped up a big batch of Latkes, and they are irresistible. My favorite Aunt said the way I like to eat I better marry a good cook. So I did. She is Hungarian and makes all the same stuff my Mom did- only better. You would love her Kolaczki and Rugelach especially the ones made with Lekvar.
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Wow Jack-look at that. My whole family is Slovac, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, Ukranian, just a big bunch of Hunkies. So I guess you are getting as fat as I am on that good Hunky Holiday food. My wifey just whipped up a big batch of Latkes, and they are irresistible. My favorite Aunt said the way I like to eat I better marry a good cook. So I did. She is Hungarian and makes all the same stuff my Mom did- only better. You would love her Kolaczki and Rugelach especially the ones made with Lekvar.
Those Kolaczkis look really good. I just want to reach into the monitor and grab a few. It's funny you mention Rugelach. My dad made the most awesome Rugelach I've ever had. He was quite the baker. I wish I had learned some of his recipes. As for Latkes, my mom was a master at making Latkes, blintzes, and some other goodies.. When I try making them, they just aren't the same. My wife usually leaves the Latkes up to me. If I had married a woman who cooks like my mom did, I probably would end up on the roly poly side.
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You're absolutely right about young Russian people leaving in droves. It was mentioned that a lot of talent has left the country, calling it a "brain drain". They can plainly see that this war is unjust and is driven by a crazed, ex-KGB, narcissistic, Napoleonic dictator. I'm surprised no one had successfully plotted to take him out. It's more about his frail ego than anything else. . I also agree that we should give Ukraine all the support and weaponry they need to end this war. They obviously have proven that they are quite capable to learn new systems and to use them effectively. The Russians have certainly showed us what they're made of...a lot of hype and propaganda, which they are masters of.
I'm also of Slovac descent. I'm from first generation Polish parents..

Wow Jack-look at that. My whole family is Slovac, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, Ukranian, just a big bunch of Hunkies. So I guess you are getting as fat as I am on that good Hunky Holiday food. My wifey just whipped up a big batch of Latkes, and they are irresistible. My favorite Aunt said the way I like to eat I better marry a good cook. So I did. She is Hungarian and makes all the same stuff my Mom did- only better. You would love her Kolaczki and Rugelach especially the ones made with Lekvar.
Before leaving after my Merry Christmas wishes in the other thread I passed over and popped in here.

Happy Wigilia gentlemen, amd to your families, friends, and everyone else. However you want to call it, all our bloodline came from the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which had its mess if partitions through the years. So, whatever people would be nowadays, for a good 700 years they were just a polish right?

Tonight was as it should be in our household, the straw bits, spent a long time cooking the 12 courses and, of course, had the extra place setting and all the traditions attached. It's important to keep connected to roots. Twas more than I was up for, but, it was also very worth it when I showed up and their planned dinner was only potatoes, kapusta, and cabbage pierogi. We got 3 more kinds knocked out, brought dried porcinis to add where appropriate, and cooked all the traditional (for us) greats. Even managed to get some really nice, thin, fresh whitefish that melted like butter, no small feat down here. I think it's the happiest they've been in a long time.
Was a real challenge this year, and some thing we went without or improvised for this weekend. Oplatek was very hard to come by but a northern relative was able to have one blessed sent down. Have the smoked ham, kielbasa, turkey, and some nice cod ready for christmas dinner. Docs will be mad I'm sure at these 2 weeks as I skew their tests, but, you only live the once.

Best wishes to all, and, being it is now past 1am, raise a glass in cheer...

Zdrowie wasze w gardło nasze!

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Merry Christmas to all my Gbody family. Have a safe and wonderful day.
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