Everyone isn't seeking the approval, validation, or respect of others. People are entitled to buy whatever makes them happy. It just so happens that now you can buy nearly 1K hp from a dealership with a warranty. Driving schools are also an option for the douchebags that choose to pursue it.
I totally agree, but that is not what generally happens and didn't happen with the thousands of wrecked supercars out there.
They are more than happy to take their 840 HP Demon to a track and put it into the wall. I fully 100% support their right to do so. Don't expect me to oohh and awww over their ability to get a $100K car loan, however.
"Ooohh... you have such good credit. What is your credit score?"
At an open road race we do in Nebraska they used to have an "unlimited class". Who could go the fastest down a winding, 2 lane road with no shoulders for 57 miles. Ron Adee (who has won Car & Drivers 1 lap of America at least twice) with a Carbon Fiber tube frame 2,200lb, 1,100 HP twin turbo Viper that has 2000lbs of down force @ 200 mph set the record at like 154 mph average (the previous record was like 136 mph average with a full on 9500 RPM NASCAR car). Ron was clocked on Radar at over 220mph and was taking 45 mph corners at over 120 mph.
As you can imagine the "Unlimited class" was rife with spectacular car destroying crashes, grass fires and other multiple hour causing race stoppages. Because the "unlimited class" had to be run first (because they would run over anyone else on track), The 140 racers behind the 3-5 "unlimited guys" had to bake in the hot sun while their messes were cleaned up. So they got rid of the unlimited class.
One Unlimited class DB pipes up..."but what about us?"
I ask him "how fast have you EVER run up that road?"
He says "uhhh 135 mph".
I then ask him "Do you EVER think you have chance of beating Rod Adee's 154 mph average?"
"Well no, but I'd like to be able to set a 'personal best'"
Nobody gives a **** about YOUR "personal best", douchebag.
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