A BBC and what 565 is describing are not even remotely the same motors. There is nothing stock in a 1000hp capable BBC except maybe the stock block. I agree with 565 that those cams are not monsters for that many cubes, as long as the compression is not in the tank like a stock BB.
$3k should get you a block core and rotating assembly , bearings and oil pump.
Absolutely the best platform pre-LS to make big power reliably, but holy moly are they $’s^3. And ‘big power’ is not limited to 1000.
Even a stock SBC with a 4 bolt main and the ‘pink’ rods can handle 20-25psi with a very careful tune. That kind of boost would be physically impossible with stock anything in a BBC.
I’ve entertained this idea/notion many times - the budget BBC turbo build. I’ve stopped researching it - can’t be done, or I should say hasn’t been done, by anyone. 700-800 hp is the limit. That is nothing to scoff at for many people. Considering that can be done with low boost like 10-14psi. The issue is I know I can’t stop at 10psi if 700ish is that easy because……..
I’m an addict (boost that is).