Completely forgot to respond to your post, I’ve got the secondaries and the primaries even, and after a little tuning it idles at 600rpm in neutral and 500ish in gear without stalling. When it died on the hill I put it under a lot of load real quick so it doesn’t surprise me that it died. Vacuum probably dropped below 6 right then.Try cracking the secondaries open a little. That should allow you to close up the primaries enough to cover the transfer slots.
I also want to add not to worry about the power valve just yet. Get you base timing and mixture figured out. I typically do this with a vacuum gauge making adjustments so that I can get the highest vacuum reading I can. I will even vary the idle speed. I will select a power valve after I figure out where it makes the highest vacuum and seems to idle the best.
The good news is that the idle screws have an effect on idle quality, and I’ve got a steady idle back at 13hg, setting it like Holley’s instructions state.
I’ve got it set pretty much perfect now, the high idle needs to bring in the mains to keep it running while it’s cold, so that’s set at 1700rpm or so.Make sure you have the correct power valve installed, there is an adjustment screw behind the choke housing to adjust the high idle while choke is closed