Holy sh*t guys last night was WAY too close..

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Feb 11, 2009
Stratford, Ontario
So last night i redid my ign with an msd rotor, cap, coil, module, and needed to tweak the timing just a little after i installed it all. Went way out into a dead industrial area (and i mean DEAD. I saw one other car).. Did a few 2nd and 3rd wide open pulls, pulled to the side, moved dist a bit to advance, you know the deal. Then i got back in the car, and pull away good at a stoplight, no tire squeal or anything but just a good pull thru 2 and 3. Cop shows up outta NOWHERE.. I look in the rearview and see the headlights of a car way behind me coming fast and i just knew.. you can always make out those interceptor headlights eh.. He comes up and says he was doing 120 km/h and I was still moving away.. yikes.. So i explain to him that i was doing some tuning, and he obviously saw my hands and greasy shirt lol, but i didnt think it would mean sh*t..

I was SO nervous though, anyone here that lives in ontario knows that the local fuzz (especially in greater toronto area) is allll up with the new street racing law, where you can lose your license on the spot, have your car towed, face up to 30 days in jail, and a fine from 500- 10 000 dollars :shock: so when he went back to his car, i said to myself: Ok, thats it, its over.. guess we're parkin the Monte for a couple years, gonna ride the bus, and eventually commit suicide lol 😢 😢 . But he comes back, and hands me a ticket for 20 km/h over the limit 😀. Then asks me "does this car have catalytic converters?" I said "Nope.. It doesn't need them, its pre-emissions." Pretty sure it still does being an 87, as it originally had one, but i said it with enough confidence that he just said "um, i thought it was in the seventies but ok then", and that was that. Told me it would be wise not to take the 20 over ticket to court because he would sh*t all over me with his testimony lol. I suppose i could because he did not pace me or radar/laser me, but i wasn't about to try anything...

What a night. Looks like i'll have to be more careful on an "empty" road these days.
That does sound like a close call !

A friend of mine said Ohio has,or will have a new law in the books,that if your caught street racing,or spinning tires,you know things you like but shouldn't do with a car,they not only fine you but TAKE your car and CRUSH IT :wtf:

Now he was being serious.He said something about a big time lawyer getting this law to pass account his daughter was seriously hurt in some type of a street related drag race or something to that effect.

It's not like it was years ago folks,there's more cars/people on the road and the laws have changed.And not for the hotrod enthusiasts :roll:
CRush it? they'd never take it with me alive..... :twisted:
79malibu350 said:
CRush it? they'd never take it with me alive..... :twisted:

im with this guy you better crush the car with me in it or you aint crushing it at all
i bark the tires everyday pulling out of my road and havent been stopped yet

but i dont think one ******* with a vengance against fun couldnt get a whole state to pass a law
i dont care how big of a lawyer he his it takes votes and you'll find me at that booth with a happy hell no on my mind
I'm not sure if you've heard,
but the 50km/h "streetracing" fine is "under re-evaluation" because it technically goes against a few Canadian laws. Meaning, they cannot charge you on the spot anymore, you need to be given a trial.

... so while it is "under re-evaluation", they technically cannot fine you on the spot.
So, worst case scenerio, they need to accuse you, and take you to court to lay charges.

if a cop tries to give you that fine, try to argue it. (this is in Ontario Canada ofcourse)

and yeah, I know what you mean about cops being strict up here. I got nailed a few months ago in Chatham, just outside London, "20km/h over the limit" plus 4 points, almost $300 fine! Now I gotta live that off for 3 years. :blam:
Yes it is "under re-evaluation" due to it being un constitutional ie. the idea of you being "guilty until proving yourself innocent", the onus is on you for that. However, the law is still very real, it's just that almost 70 per cent of cases are thrown out in court now b/c of the "unconstitutional" effect
... sorry, I can't explain good
I live in Ohio and have never heard of a law about getting your car crushed, but I have seen a new law proposed here that the police can issue a speeding ticket for suspecting that you are speeding. Yes, I said suspecting that you are speeding without getting you with radar or laser. Talk about BS that definitilly is, and it will stand up in court.
khan0165 said:
I'm not sure if you've heard,
but the 50km/h "streetracing" fine is "under re-evaluation" because it technically goes against a few Canadian laws. Meaning, they cannot charge you on the spot anymore, you need to be given a trial.

... so while it is "under re-evaluation", they technically cannot fine you on the spot.
So, worst case scenerio, they need to accuse you, and take you to court to lay charges.

if a cop tries to give you that fine, try to argue it. (this is in Ontario Canada ofcourse)

and yeah, I know what you mean about cops being strict up here. I got nailed a few months ago in Chatham, just outside London, "20km/h over the limit" plus 4 points, almost $300 fine! Now I gotta live that off for 3 years. :blam:

The 4 points weren't just for the 20 km over were they?
joey_schel said:
khan0165 said:
I'm not sure if you've heard,
but the 50km/h "streetracing" fine is "under re-evaluation" because it technically goes against a few Canadian laws. Meaning, they cannot charge you on the spot anymore, you need to be given a trial.

... so while it is "under re-evaluation", they technically cannot fine you on the spot.
So, worst case scenerio, they need to accuse you, and take you to court to lay charges.

if a cop tries to give you that fine, try to argue it. (this is in Ontario Canada ofcourse)

and yeah, I know what you mean about cops being strict up here. I got nailed a few months ago in Chatham, just outside London, "20km/h over the limit" plus 4 points, almost $300 fine! Now I gotta live that off for 3 years. :blam:

The 4 points weren't just for the 20 km over were they?

Can't be... 20kph is 3 points. 30kph is 4 points, Careless is 6, IIRC..... but I am a better driver now LOL
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