Update: so i drove the malibu for a good hour yesterday and when i got home my battery died! All this started after i did the swamp...it had died before a couple times too, before i did a long test drive... where i got the alternator the guy there tested it and worked fine, i also went to autozone before install and had them test it, PASSED fine..so we know its not the alt...
The Alternator guy told me not to run the EC82 that its a piece of sh*t!!! lmao, i was like sure umm hummm whatever, everyone on the fourm has it and no problems...He told me to run the White stock wire that we have to the alternator direct to the "S" on the alt
is that right? do u think i have a bad EC82 that its not charging my battery..
Also when driving the malibu my volts were at 12volts, then running the radio down to 10volts, then home 6volts, then nothing at all, dead battery, My radio was also turning on and off on and off, was pissing me off!!! and when i would put the radio on louder my volts would go lower...I removed my hole dash to see if i had a short somewhere and everything looks clean and connected right, i checked all the grounds, and made sure nothing was cut, ....this is why i upgraded to a CS130 for system purpose and not have this problem...electrical is a pain in the butt.
Please chime in guys, should i just run the white wire to the alternator and remove the ec82 adapter? I really think my radio is killing my battery, but why, its aoll connected right, it shouldnt be on all the time, its set up turn key only