Chrysler Imperial of the late 80s/early 90s was a cool little k-car. Lots of digital stuff and fancy toys, comfy too.Ummm, not all… just a couple ..dozen 🤣. Not bad considering around 300 cars and trucks.
My bucket-list still has a 70s trailduster on it, blue or minty green.
One day hanging around a junkyard a guy was hammering away trying to straighten out a Mirada CMX that was hit hard on the quarter and tailpan because no parts were available. Talking with him a few hours while he worked. Nice guy, cool car.
Everyone points to your gtx, roadrunner, cudas, bees, chargers and challengers etc like the white on black vert I almost bought in HS as the only cool 'mopar' stuff, but, there's some other cars out there that are nice for what they were, and the times, if you spend times around them.... (except those 90s LeBaron turbos. What a PITA to keep running)
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