During WWII a battle weary soldier was on leave and heading to London. He could not find a seat on the train except for an old pompous woman with a little dog that was occupying the last seat. He asked the woman to let him sit down. She sniffed at him that the Americans were crude and had no manners. The soldier resumed walking the train to no avail and came back to the dowager and asked again to please let him sit. She launched into a tirade about how vile and arrogant the Americans were. The soldier didn't say another word. He picked up the little dog and flung it out the window. Then he sat down. Just then an older English gentleman across the aisle spoke up. He said ,"You know, you Americans are a very mixed up lot. You hold the fork in the wrong hand. You drive on the wrong side of the road. And now you have thrown the wrong b*tch out the window!".