this guy from Italy was travelling across the states and he picked up odd jobs to pay his way. He stopped at a nice looking house in Boston and asked the lady of the house if there was anything he could do to make some money, his English was not too good but she understood him. The lady asked him if he know how to paint and he said he said he could do the job. The lady told him to return the next day and there would be paint in the garage to paint to the back porch. The guy returned the next day and after a few hours he went to front door to tell the lady he was finished. The lady thought that was kind of quick so she said she wanted to check his work and asked to meet him out back. When the lady got to the back porch it was not painted so she told him you did not paint the porch asked the guy what he did with all the paint. The guy told the woman to come with him and he showed the lady her black Porsche that he had finished painting and demanded his money.