Every Chiltons and Haynes manual I've ever seen prints all the circuits together and all in black and white. I would suggest going to a local independent repair shop and explain what you are doing. Most independents have either Shopkey (which is Mitchell On Demand) or AllData or both. I prefer Mitchell. Ask if they would be willing to print out the wiring diagram for you. Offer to pay for it (they probably won't charge you but it's a nice gesture). If they have Mitchell it will be the "Engine Performance" wiring diagram and will be 3 or 4 pages. The nice thing is that it will print the circuits in color; pink wire will be pink line, black wire will be black line, etc. It also doesn't have circuits that don't apply such as ABS, traction control and anti-theft which makes it easier to follow. When you're done you can keep the pages in your glovebox.