lol i dont think its that bad. Like i said before i dont plan to fully restore it. I kinda like the "rusty" or "ratty" look. Wouldnt have to wory about scratching it or denting it up. Think it would be a fun driver and just enjoy it. Its only orginal once as they say lol. But i think im going to pass on it for now.
Like I said before, the pre-southern-spoiled side of me really thinks it's pretty decent.
HOWEVER. At a minimum for safety sake, especially if driven in a sporty manner, you'd want to separate the body and frame to check the frame to body mount surfaces and weld in washers as needed. Having seen this thread a few times had that though pop into mind. The sitting weeds and water that rusted the trunk dropoffs and door bottoms ABSOLUTELY could've let water gather between the frame and rubber mounts and rust.