Did this at Christmas. I have a BMF vice on my tool bench. First, I lubed the acme threads on the C-clamp with some white grease or something else not too messy. To get the old rusty ball joints out, I set up the rented Autozone C-clamp on the A-arm and cinched down on the floor, then clamped the back of the C-Clamp in the vice with a few red rags to keep the warranty alive [ :wink: ]. As I cranked down on the clamp with a breaker bar, I tapped on the area around the ball joint with a ball peen hammer, and that sucker popped out. My son lent a hand and held the A-arm so it did not fall off the bench when the joint popped. Nearly jumped when it let go.
When putting the new one in, if the new/old one was splined, try to line up the splines it cut in the a-arm. Take a minute and touch up the bottom edge a little with a file to help it start in square. I didn't learn about the freezer trick until after I finished this job. Shrink the new ball joint a little, and it should slide in easier than doing it at room temps.
For you fellow hoarders out there...I kept some old bearing races from replacing some truck bearings. They fit better on the perimeter of the ball joints than the spacers included in the kit.