Well I spent some time messing around with it today and fuel pressure was one of the things I checked. I started by pulling all 8 spark plugs and seeing how they looked. All relatively similar.
Since the plugs were out, I figured I may as well do a compression check, to satisfy my own curiosity more than anything. I got 152, 152, 151, 160, 150, 149, 149, 156. Nothing alarming there, not that I was really expecting anything.
So I put the plugs back in and checked fuel pressure and it is right where it should be. KOEO was a hair over 40 PSI on both tanks (each has its own fuel pump). KOER about 34 PSI. KOER with fuel pressure regulator disconnected and it jumps to 40ish PSI. So the problem is not in the tanks, lines, pumps, or filter.
I tested the resistance on the 4 injectors I have access to, you need to remove the upper plenum to get at the other 4. All 4 tested between 14.2-14.4 ohms which is good. It doesn't tell me that they aren't clogged, but electrically they are fine. Before I pull the plenum and start tearing shlt apart to test the other 4, I'm gonna give the I-talian tune up a shot. I'm not Italian so I'm not technically qualified to do this, but I think I'm familiar with the procedure
🤣 I've got a big bottle of Lucas to dump in the tank, I'll fill it up with 93 and see what happens. Hopefully with the timing dialed back and some higher octane fuel the knocking will stop. Maybe the Lucas will do something too.