Looking at the wire diagram from my 86 El Camino, Are you still running the computer control on this vehicle or have you disabled the system? Looking at the wiring diagram check the 10 amp fuse marked ECM IGN its up one row and to the right. Is the 20 amp fuse in the gauge position good? With the ignition on you should show power on at least one side, as well as at the power taps marked IGN above the fuse. If no power on either side did you pull the steering column down to disturb the wiring on the ignition switch?
good point
you say you have no power at gauge fuse, next step is to check power at ignition sw.
check out the
malibu racing site on wiring,
click on " ignition switch " and review the wiring diagram.
power starts at the starter and travels through a fusible link to a splice s201 that branches off to the alternator and a/c, then travels through the firewall/bulk head connector c100. it then spits at s202 and creates redundant power wires to the ignition switch. the pink wire from the ignition switch powers the gauge and turn signal/buck up light fuses, it also powers the hei distributor.
check for power at these locations, all spices and connectors are to be considered suspect.
working backwards from the gauge fuse,
do your turn signals and back up lamps work, if so, ignition switch is good, you have a fuse block problem.
if not does the car start and run, if so, ignition switch is good. you have a wiring problem between c100 and gauge fuse.
if not, check for power at alternator.
if ok at alternator, check wiring to firewall connector c100. and check connector at c100
if you have no power to alternator, check wiring to starter, you may have a bad fusible link.