NHTSA assaults 4th ammendment rights on MS highways

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Royal Smart Person
May 26, 2011
pontiacgp said:
I can only hope those who think driving drunk is a right have their license pulled and their vehicle crushed before they injure or kill an innocent victim.

Ive not ran across one person in my life who thinks drunk driving is a right. Drunk drivers risk lives and should be punished. You cant do it by invading and infringing others rights though. Another solution is required. What that is, i dont know.


G-Body Guru
Mar 14, 2007
Margate, UK>
pencero said:
:? I for one respected the outside points of view contributed from people in other nations. It only strengthened my resolve to push for smarter laws. I respect everyone who spoke on the subject seriously. Its equally good to see that some Americans still understand the concepts behind the constitution and would defend it if necessary. We don't need to disrespect people b/c they can't enjoy as free motoring rights as we have,

Which nations are they?, certainly not UK, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium or the Netherlands.



Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
CHRIS.O said:
pontiacgp said:
I can only hope those who think driving drunk is a right have their license pulled and their vehicle crushed before they injure or kill an innocent victim.

Ive not ran across one person in my life who thinks drunk driving is a right. Drunk drivers risk lives and should be punished. You cant do it by invading and infringing others rights though. Another solution is required. What that is, i dont know.

if you are saying driving is a right then how can you discriminate against the rights of a drunk driver exercising his/her right to drive. The small inconvenience of ride checks is a price the majority is willing to pay, I sure don't mind them cause I applaud the efforts to keep drunk, sleep or drug impaired drivers off the road.


Royal Smart Person
May 26, 2011
How can i discriminate against a person practicing a right while endangering others? Its easy really. But i believe you and wont agree on what is or isnt a right. For example under my constitution im allowed to own firearms. As its my right i can use these guns in accordance with local and federal law. If while exercising my right i commit a crime, theft, murder, etc i lose that right. It seems your belief is a right is given at birth by god perhaps? I believe in those rights as well as rights based on social construct. Such as the right of gay marriage. Thats not given at birth thats being fought for now.


Royal Smart Person
Feb 20, 2008
Let's not bring God into this argument. The pillar of progressive socialism is atheism. It is the absence of faith which leads to the passing of legislation designed to cause infighting amongst us , perpetrated by hypocrites who 'hate' a God they swear does not exist. Well I am here to say God does exist people. You may be right - God may be nothing more than an idea. That idea is morality. Are we not seeming just like the poultry in Animal Farm right about now? By writing laws in direct contradiction to each other the pigs above us are trying to play you and me against each other when this issue actually has NOTHING to do with drunk drivers but common sense. If I can be stopped at any time because I 'might' be drunk its no different than if I can be stopped at any time because I 'might' have ebola or 'might' be a terrorist. Keep kidding yourselves. While we sit here typing about the irrelevant facts revolving around drunk drivers, the real issue is that socialist traitors are plotting their next constitutional infringements in the name of their so called 'progress' to limit your access to the road from 12-5am. Should we tolerate this? Should we expect to live in a future where interstate travel from 12-5am is strictly for people with CDL's and the amount of bureaucratic red tape makes it impossible for people below the upper middle class to afford travel by car? I think we should act now. These people pushing this agenda are the same type of people who show up to support abortion laws. They hate life. I wish schools hadn't brainwashed the younger generations below me into having some sort of false concept that 'democracy' is about marriage 'equality'. These people need to be put on ships and sent home immediately same as the redcoats we sent home to found this country! Their way of thinking is acceptable - somewhere else besides the United States.


Royal Smart Person
May 26, 2011
pontiacgp said:
CHRIS.O said:
How can i discriminate against a person practicing a right while endangering others?

then you support drunk drivers

I restated your question and answered. Drunk drivers lose their rights and absolutely should. Nowhere do i say that i support them. But i wont sway you obviously nor do i intend to. Im just stating my opinion backed by the republic i live in which is unfortunately headed to a mob rule democracy. If im not with you im against you right? Polarized. Thats unfortunate.


G-Body Guru
Mar 14, 2007
Margate, UK>
pencero said:
Let's not bring God into this argument. The pillar of progressive socialism is atheism. It is the absence of faith which leads to the passing of legislation designed to cause infighting amongst us , perpetrated by hypocrites who 'hate' a God they swear does not exist. Well I am here to say God does exist people. You may be right - God may be nothing more than an idea. That idea is morality. Are we not seeming just like the poultry in Animal Farm right about now? By writing laws in direct contradiction to each other the pigs above us are trying to play you and me against each other when this issue actually has NOTHING to do with drunk drivers but common sense. If I can be stopped at any time because I 'might' be drunk its no different than if I can be stopped at any time because I 'might' have ebola or 'might' be a terrorist. Keep kidding yourselves. While we sit here typing about the irrelevant facts revolving around drunk drivers, the real issue is that socialist traitors are plotting their next constitutional infringements in the name of their so called 'progress' to limit your access to the road from 12-5am. Should we tolerate this? Should we expect to live in a future where interstate travel from 12-5am is strictly for people with CDL's and the amount of bureaucratic red tape makes it impossible for people below the upper middle class to afford travel by car? I think we should act now. These people pushing this agenda are the same type of people who show up to support abortion laws. They hate life. I wish schools hadn't brainwashed the younger generations below me into having some sort of false concept that 'democracy' is about marriage 'equality'. These people need to be put on ships and sent home immediately same as the redcoats we sent home to found this country! Their way of thinking is acceptable - somewhere else besides the United States.

Of course the people chucked into cells in Guantanamo Bay on the say so of someone who seems not to be answerable for their actions must be rejoicing that they live in a "free" country, as must everyone affected by legislation restricting access to interstates. Is that last one for real???. Sounds unbelievable to me. It's fair to say I find most of your diatribes unbelievable.

I enjoy travelling to the USA for vacations, a splendid country, but just like every other country I have visited, there is plenty of room for improvement.



Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
CHRIS.O said:
pontiacgp said:
CHRIS.O said:
How can i discriminate against a person practicing a right while endangering others?

then you support drunk drivers

I restated your question and answered. Drunk drivers lose their rights and absolutely should. Nowhere do i say that i support them. But i wont sway you obviously nor do i intend to. Im just stating my opinion backed by the republic i live in which is unfortunately headed to a mob rule democracy. If im not with you im against you right? Polarized. Thats unfortunate.

If driving is a right then why do you have to earn a licence. You do support drunk drivers if you object to the police to infringe on a person's freedom. If you are arguing against giving up a few minutes of your time then you are aiding the drunk driver to continue driving.


Apr 25, 2009
rustyroger said:
Is that last one for real???. Sounds unbelievable to me. It's fair to say I find most of your diatribes unbelievable.
I've long suspected that Pencero is actually GP403's darkside troll account .

Can't believe this thread hasn't been locked down yet.
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