That would explain why Petro Can's 94 disappeared in Saskatchewan. Basically ethanol had to be introduced, it was decided Premium would stay non ethanol, 91 for the most part and regular got the 10 percent. Of course it makes sense since mid grade is a mix of the two, about 5 percent. I remember when there were a bunch of Mohawk stations around, they seem to be the exception to the rule but have for years. All ethanol mix, regular is 87 but mid grade 90 is the regular price and Premium is 94. The one Lake we visited had a Mohawk in the next town. My Wife is too cheap to put Premium in the Challenger, I sneak it in. We were filling up there and I figured the extra octane will help towing. If I could get the Challenger on a steady diet of non ethanol Premium, we might squeeze 40 mpg out of a 4100 pound car, which is insane.